Has this EVER happened to YOU?


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Jun 29, 2007
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Ok this is what happened to me. First me my grandma and my brother were coming home i a car. I really wanted to get out cause it was SOO hot. so i opened the door about 4 seconds early. My grandmother SCREAMED at me. REal loud as if i was going to kill them by doing that. I know it was for my safety but thats a little over doing it dont you think. so i want to start this topic to ask if any thing like this ever happened to you guys. You dont have to answer if you dont want to.


Nothing to get bent out of shape with. :mellow: She was probably scared of you doing that.

Some parents, and grandparents are just cautious like that, however I can understand how it can be annoy at times. ^_^ I did that before once with the car, and other things that deal with my parents being cautious like that. So just be safe next time. :wacko: :D


Maybe she didn't want her car damaged. My brother opened his door onto a pole in a car parking centre once and the paint got scratched a bit (but not much). X.X

You guys are right but there was nothing beside the car it was open but next time i will be more careful thanx ^_^

You guys are right but there was nothing beside the car it was open but next time i will be more careful thanx :D
You welcome. ^_^

Same thing happens to me with my parents, they half way trust me crossing the street, putting our treadmill on super fast. xO


you know i glad i entered tamatalk. I never had anyone to ask for advice there are so many nice people. You guys are the best!!!!! sorry i know this is off topic ^_^

Yep - it's a parent / grandparent thing :mellow:

It can be a bit scary sometimes and upsetting and definitely appears to be "over the top" at times... but ... Your grandma just loves you and wants to keep you safe.

Sometimes if you see something happening and know you need to make it stop immediately, the most effective thing is to shout REALLY loud...

it gets someone's attention straight away and stops them in their tracks :D

I've done that before.

Someone very special to me was walking across the road without paying attention and a car was approaching ^_^

I just screamed "STOP!!!" at the top of my voice - and it worked.

The car wouldn't have hit her, it was going too slowly, but I didn't want to take the risk that I wasn't heard or was ignored because she was too busy laughing and chatting with a friend.

(I scared her too ... so I apologised and explained afterwards ... but it has definitely stuck in her mind)

you know i glad i entered tamatalk. I never had anyone to ask for advice there are so many nice people. You guys are the best!!!!! sorry i know this is off topic :blink:
That was a really sweet thing to say kjdjmj!!! awwww! :D

(soz this is off-topic as well lol!)

oh well! :(

now its getting annoying. two times my grandma screamed at me for no reason because she thought i was doing something bad. I was doing my homework and doing the dishes sometimes i dont get her :( but at least she said sorry

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that has so happened to me be4 like the first time mum let me walk home from school i had to stay like five minutes after class to talk to my teacher about softball and when i got home she wasn't there and as it turns out she went to the school who sed i went home then be4 comeing back home she rang the cops god it was so embaassing but i no she only cares for me ^-^

well what happened was that i was helping my mom unpack some groceries. I was getting the yogurt, and i had them stacked on top of each other. I realized that wasnt a good idea, they all fell. and my mom YELLED so loudly. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH THOSE ARE EXPENSIVE YOGURTS! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?YOU COULD HAVE BROKE ONE!" and i don't think that was nice, because none of them broke.

You might have fell out! But, if the car was stopped, I don't see the difference whether you open it as soon as the car turns off, or before it turns off. :angry: Once I opened the car door while we were driving, and I almost fell out. *twitch* I learned never to do that again!

Nothing to get bent out of shape with. :( She was probably scared of you doing that.
Some parents, and grandparents are just cautious like that, however I can understand how it can be annoy at times. :angry: I did that before once with the car, and other things that deal with my parents being cautious like that. So just be safe next time. :( :angry:

Very true, Ho-oh. Great point. :)

They are probably just scared for your safety.

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