Has this ever happened to you?


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LOL :p

Actually that happened to me several times when I was a child and it is so embaressing :p

I mistook a man's leg for my dads (I must've been about 5yrs old) and cuddled it. My Mum saw me and said "Come Away - that's not DAD!" and then I looked up into the smiling face of a totally strange man and burst into tears :blink:

Better still - my parents were out shopping and Mum went to pick up some medicine in the Drug store. When she came out she walked straight to the car, opened the front passenger door and plonked herself down into the seat with a huge sigh.

A strange man in the drivers seat just started giggling and said "I think you've chosen the wrong car, Madam... "

Now that's embaressing! Not even getting into your own car!


Once I came up to this person who I thought was my dad and I asked for a Tamagotchi and he's like Huh???


Yes, but the thing I thought was a person was usually a shelf or a shopping cart. xD

Yeah, I was at the Flea Market when I was 5. I didn't noticed my parent's left. So I wanted this Chair thingy and I thought it was my dad carrying it. Then the guy shew me my Parents, Atleast they didnt noticed XD

And the first day of Pre-K, I cried to the teacher with a few other kids. YAY! A few years ago the school was closed o.o

I called my Pre-K teacher mommy before!

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So you're in a store, right? And you briefly leave your mom to show here something you want. You bring it back to her, but it's not your mom. It's someone else. And there you are telling her how much you want it. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Or am I just nuts?
Yeah,it happened to me once. I was at a badminton place and I saw a person that I thought was my dad and I hit the back of him with my racket.xD And this one time at Wal*Mart I saw this cool toy and I showed this lady that I thought was my mom.;P

Yeah, I was at the Flea Market when I was 5. I didn't noticed my parent's left. So I wanted this Chair thingy and I thought it was my dad carrying it. Then the guy shew me my Parents, Atleast they didnt noticed XD
And the first day of Pre-K, I cried to the teacher with a few other kids. YAY! A few years ago the school was closed o.o

I called my Pre-K teacher mommy before!
Ha.o.o I called my 3rd grade teacher my aunt before.x.x And my friend,hannahfan,called our fourth grade teacher mom before too.She was so embarrassed.

Once. And once I went to hug someone but it wasn't my dad....LOL.
thats what happend to me!

accpect the guy was on a becnh reading the news paper, I sat next to him then hugged him & said "I love you!" then he put the news paper down & then my real dad came up to me. xD I was so embrassed.

ya, i was in line for the cash register, and a tall guy was walking away from the line and i thought it was my dad! :D

When I was little, yeah. I was at some garage sale and I hugged this lady who I thought was my mom, then my mom walked by and I realized it wasn't her. Then the lady I was hugging laughed and left the garage sale.

So you're in a store, right? And you briefly leave your mom to show here something you want. You bring it back to her, but it's not your mom. It's someone else. And there you are telling her how much you want it. Has this ever happened to anyone else? Or am I just nuts?
Yes when I was little I did that

Well, I've done something similar to that. When I was in grade 4, I accidently called my teacher my mom. She burst out laughing.

And one time when I was 6, I hugged a man that I thought was my dad.

Time to visit the optometrist.

Well, I've done something similar to that. When I was in grade 4, I accidently called my teacher my mom.
I did that. And instead of asking my question, I asked to go to the bathroom...I'll never live that out...

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