Has your tama ever beeped at school?


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
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United States
Have you ever accedently left your sound on and your Tama beeped at school? It happened to me twice. The first time was in sixth grade while we were watching a video, and the second time was this year, (seventh grade) when it changed to an adult in the middle of class!!! Luckily, I never got caught. Now, to avoid that, I put it to sleep during school. If this ever happened to you, what did you do?

It happened to me once in 4th or 5th grade when my teacher was teaching, but i guess she didn't hear it because i didn't get caught.

When bring my tamagotchi to school, I just turn the sound of and pause it. But i don't bring it to school anymore.

Yeh, My tamagotchi beeped before in class, but it wasn't that loud. Only like one person could barely hear it. But my tamagotchi was like hungry, or sick. However if it turns into a Adult I feel bad for you, because when they turn into a adult that is a very loud noise, But on the b4 the loudest noise is when you travel.


Whe Tamas were still allowed in my school (they got banned last year because people were stealing them) mine never went off because the sound was'nt on. my friends did though

It has happend to me too.We were doing english class and my tamagotchi beeped my teacher noiced it and I got caught.

(I left the sound off and my tama was paused.)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

It has happend to me too.We were doing english class and my tamagotchi beeped my teacher noiced it and I got caught.

(I left the sound off and my tama was paused.)

:lol: :wako: :lol: :Itchigotchi: :lol:

Yeh, My tamagotchi beeped before in class, but it wasn't that loud. Only like one person could barely hear it. But my tamagotchi was like hungry, or sick. However if it turns into a Adult I feel bad for you, because when they turn into a adult that is a very loud noise, But on the b4 the loudest noise is when you travel.
Yes, it was loud, and everyone heard it, but the teacher luckily ignored it.

Mine hasn't, because I always leave the sound off. But my friends' have. My one friend from my old school was playing with hers during recess. After recess we had science. She put it in her pocket and forgot to put it back in her locker (tamagotchis were banned during class), and it beeped! She freaked out and asked to go to the bathroom. Thankfully the teacher didn't hear and let her go. She was freaking out afterwards, too xD

My friend at my new school has a tamagotchi school. We sorta got out of the "tamagotchi craze" (that's what we called it at both schools) and she just keeps it in her purse. But it beeps whenever the student changes on the tama. She's left it alone for months and it still hasn't died out yet! x] It beeped during COMPLETE SILENCE once. She just looked around as if she didn't own the tama, but everyone knew it was hers. Luckily the teacher didn't notice AND tamas aren't banned at this school. It still happens a lot. We always laugh when it does, too xD


Once I forgot to turn the sound off and my tamas mated during the middle of class.


Well, I'm homeschooled luckily. :angry: However, I still have to keep the sound off ('cause it can be a distraction).


-Tamaguy#1 :angry:

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