Hatch any tama!


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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2005
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Well, seeing as my entama died today (you'll know if you read my pinned TamaZone log), I'm planning on restarting it in two days (sept.12). I was a bit bored, so I decided to turn it into a group hatch. Name what time is good for you! You can use any virtual pet, vintage or new! (though I must say, I would love to hear about something on the more vintagey side. X])


Thanks! (and don't care if it's not vintagey, I was just wondering. You'd be suprised how cool V3's can be!

Anyone else?


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I guess I'll join w/ My Haneruchi 2. I'll be starting it on the 12th!


Um... ok.

Anyways, I got your PM tamatara, can't wait to see the pic of your V3! I think I'll post piccies too! :3

Anyone else joining?


Okay, I guess I'll start off this Hatching.

I just Hatched my Haneruchi 20 about minutes ago. I have the Red Dragon Design.

It is a girl of the Strength(?) group, named is Umikuzi.

I've only fed her, and Played all three game. The games are very cool. They start of w/ an Introduction sceen, then show a Random Adult Charcter, then you start the game.

The First Game is similar to the "GET music" game on the V3. But there are only two coloums, and you're holding a Trumpet and tring to avaoid the poop.

The second game is just like the Hammer Game on the Entama, and the Third game is a jump game, where you jump up and down avoiding the Poop.

There are three new GUTS groups, witch are what appear to be Musical (Represented by a music note), Strength Group (Represented by a fist), and a Happiness Group (Represented by a Face).

I have:

5 Music Points

15 Strenght points

5 Happiness points

The Haneruchi dosen't seem to be that needy at all!

Okay! Where I live it's the 11th, so I'll hatch tomorrow, as I wanna get pics of him! :DIs the rumor about hanerucchi dropping 4 hearts a day true?

I saw the pics in your log, they're cool!

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Okay! Where I live it's the 11th, so I'll hatch tomorrow, as I wanna get pics of him! :( Is the rumor about hanerucchi dropping 4 hearts a day true?
In a way, Yes. When I filled the happy hearts, they haven't gone down yet! The baby had to fed meals about 5 times, but now, as Umikuzi has evolved into a toddler, she needs less care. I've only had to fill her Happy Hearts once, but it was because sad news came in the mail. I only started it 3 hours ago, so I'll let you know once it's been 24 hrs.

I've been trying to connect my Haneruchi w/ my Uratamas, but I can't seem to! There are only 3 Connection options, so it didn't look that hard. The first opition is Connecting to other Haneruchi2 Tamagotchis, the second one I'm not sure of, and the third one its The "PC Go" Option, that connects to the Haneruchi2-Town.

EDIT - From what I see at the end of the Second Option, I think it connects to either Japanese Cellphone or The Tamagotchi Keitai Plus. Probably the Phones. So it can't connect w/ Entamas/Uratamas ;)


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^w^ yup! I hatched my entama, and he's a intelligence boy (the name currently escapes me now.) I named him uri-ban, meaning melon-bun. XD But I'll put him on pause, as I'm about to head off to school, and haven't the time right now to raise a needy baby. ;) TTFN!


The same way you wrote it in the PM you sent me. :huh: Use the HTTP button! Also, I'll copy what I wrote about my tama in my log into this hatching:


Current Tama: Uri-Ban- Male Mameotchi/Mamebotchi

Alright, so I hatched him, and named him Uri-Ban, translated as "melon-bun". And hopefully this does not have a bunch of weird definitions. >.> I'm not sure what else to write about this little fellow, aside from the fact that he poops alot. >.< Really tha pretty much sums up his personality so far. Ah well, hopefully he'll gain more interests through his life.

EDIT:Well, Kashi-Kashi's now a Mamebotchi

That concludes the entama updates!


Ooh, you can post like a log? cool!

Well, My other 6th gen V3 is currently 1 yr old, a girl. The one that just hatched is a boy, they'll mate when they are old enough. I named the boy Chris, and the girl is Candy. Chris is still a baby though. I promise to post pics tomarow!

Yep! Also, here's an example of how you would post the pic you sent me via PM;

[url=https://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c76/googoomashooshoo/resettamapic.png]Tamatara's Tama[/url]
then, it turns out like this:

Tamatara's Tama


okay... well, anyways uri-ban is now a tot, the mamebotchi i think it's called. He got a bit of and adventure today when he fell out of my binder during science class, along with my uratama, Kashi-Kashi. Luckily neither were hurt. :D One of my classmates was all "Tamagotchi?", and I got a bit embarassed, as it's not a hobby I like to advertise to the world. XD


Uri-Ban is so cute! ^^ Unfortunatley, I had to pause hime, I just had the feeling today was going to be a busy day, he already gets moderatley neglected @ school. XD Anyways, I'm not sure teen I wanna get, anything will do. Heheh. Maybe tomorow Uri-Ban will get to sit on my music stand during band as a little treat, and watch me play my saxophone. ><

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