Hatching Gender


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Tama Talker 101

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Jul 7, 2007
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:p Every time I hatch a new tama, i always get a boy!

I've tried the cheat: if its the wrong gender then reset it then press download,

but that doesn't work! It is still a boy time after time!

I even tried resetting it completely, but it is still a boy! :p

:( What should I do? :(


:( I will not settle for a boy! I must have a girl! I must! :(

:( HELP! :(

Well, it just seems that luck isn't by your side. I have found that girls seem to come slightly more than boys, but that's my experience. Despite all these "there is a certain way to get a boy!!!" posts, I believe that it's only luck.

Well, I know a cheaty thing that helps.

When the MatchMaker comes with her book, when the book is open press the B button, and you will get a girl. When the book is closed and you press B you get a boy. It might be the other way round, so experiment a bit ^.^

It does work, trust me. Every time I've done this it has worked :p

Hope I helped you receive your girl!

Best Wishes,


I read that it's the matchmakers mouth. I think it's if you press B when her mouth is open, you get a girl and if you press B when her mouth is closed, you get a boy. I'm not quite sure, so don't hold me to that. I just read it on tamatalk somewhere, I believe in Tips N Tricks. The matchmaker came for my tama today and I got a girl. The one before, I got a boy.

Well, I got a girl on my v4. I'm sorry if I offended you. But my other tamas first hatched as a boy!

I have the same problem. :C

Oh but I didn't know about those things..

I'll have to test it, once I get new batteries.

I have the same problem. :C
Oh but I didn't know about those things..

I'll have to test it, once I get new batteries.
okay I'm quoting this just cuz my very first tama when I was 8 yrs old(v2) was named Bobo. As for getting a girl, there is no trick if this is your first generation. Keep trying by reseting. If you have the matchmaker on a 2nd and + generation, press B for a girl and A for a boy. I personally honor whatever tama I get and NEVER reset my tama.

Maybe you just have some serious bad luck. Lol. That's all I can think of. Sometimes I get the same gender over and over again, but sooner or later I get what I want. You have to have patients with these things.

just regect the matchmaket the first time accept the second time and get a girl

Your a jerk. Judging your tama by its gender! How would you like it if your parents threw you out because you weren't the right gender?

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That doesn't mean she's a jerk. Sometimes you need a certain gender. Like for example, you have two tamagotchi's. One is a boy, so to make future generations, you'd need a girl. That's not mean, that's just common sence.

Your a jerk. Judging your tama by its gender! How would you like it if your parents threw you out because you weren't the right gender?
Maybe she wants a girl because she wants a certain character that is a girl...

Anyway, the sex of the baby is random. You just got unlucky, I guess.

last year, during a period of time, nobody would ever get a certain gender! so our tamagotchis wouldn't go to the next gender, and when someone did get that gender everyone would want to marry them, it just happens sometimes!

Sorry for being mean. Its just i dont like judging my tamas. hmm...If you do have 2 tamas and you need a girl why dont you just reset the other one to be a girl. Then youll have a boy and a girl

If she wants a girl, that's her business! IT doesn't make her a jerk. Maybe she's had a lot boys and its getting kind of boring. How would you like it if you kept getting the same thing for christmas? You'd get bored, wouldn't u!?

oh, sorry! I posted after that last one, but you posted it while I was typing this one!

I get boys more often than girls but either way it's still a fun Tama-experience...Right? :D

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