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Whoa! And which character is which? At least you got your credit. :blink: That is a nice good list but... Which is which? LOL

I'll explain :eek:

Whale Thing - Hatenatchi

Tiger/lion dude - Toratchi

Funny looking UFOish flag dude (debug) - Omuratchi

Pill-looking debug dude - Kafuserutchi

Screamin fangirl thing (GLAY limited edition V1/Plus) - Metarutchi

Hamburger dude - Bogatchi

Microphone dude - Maikutchi

Egg-lookin thing - Tamagotchi

Black-faced mimitchi costume - Kigurumitchi

Panda costume - Pandatchi

I'll explain :D

Whale Thing - Hatenatchi

Tiger/lion dude - Toratchi

Funny looking UFOish flag dude (debug) - Omuratchi

Pill-looking debug dude - Kafuserutchi

Screamin fangirl thing (GLAY limited edition V1/Plus) - Metarutchi

Hamburger dude - Bogatchi

Microphone dude - Maikutchi

Egg-lookin thing - Tamagotchi

Black-faced mimitchi costume - Kigurumitchi

Panda costume - Pandatchi
Whoa! Thanks fr that list! It will come in really useful :D I wonder when BanDai will come round to launching the names. :L

oh wow thnx you guys for the info especially OsuMesu ty!

Just to let you guys know my tamas (i have 2!) have just evolved from being puroperatchi to one being a gozarutchi and the other maybe a takotchi but im not to sure!

anyway ty!!!


tama luva

Coolies!!! I knew the Tiger one was Toratchi, But I didn't know the whale was called Hatenatchi!! :D I wish it wasn't called hatenatchi Though.... :ph34r:
I had that 1 twice!And i am not joking! :blink: :D :( :kuribotchi: :) :D : :mellow: And it dosen't mean HATE/DISLIKE! -_-

bell sprout! thank you so much! i was going crazy tryint to find my tama character on the net(i'm new at this). your site was my salvation. i refer to it alot. i've since replied to a lot of these posts that seem apropriate with a link to your site. you are a tama doll. keep spreading the tama love!! :blink: :wacko: :p :p

This might seem slightly off topic, but bear with me...I just got the Frog/Croc character on my Tama yesterday. (I'm doing well - Toratchi, then Urutchi, now the Frog....lucky me!)

I think he looks more like a Croc than a frog - especially his side view, BUT when I watch the general character animation on the screen I notice that he has two little cheek pouches that inflate and deflate - very much like a bull frog when they are making their 'ribbit, ribbit' sound...

I don't know if this is animation is a clue to suggest that he really is a (weird looking) frog and not a croc. What do you think?

He's definitely grumpy/depressed - he never smiles....even when he is given a present - he just jumps up and down, but his mouth doesn't open into an obvious shout of joy like so many of the other characters....

And before anyone asks me how I got him, the best advice I can give is that you keep 2 hearts full and 2 hearts empty on both Hungry and Happy hearts - that's what I did. (He evolved from a Kuribotchi - Yu-fotchi by the way).

Best, etc.

mine is a girl and i've been keeping the hearts as close to half and half as i can. i got kuribotchi and now i have itchigotchi. i wonder if i will get the frog croc character too. can all the characters be either male or female?

bell sprout! thank you so much! i was going crazy tryint to find my tama character on the net(i'm new at this). your site was my salvation. i refer to it alot. i've since replied to a lot of these posts that seem apropriate with a link to your site. you are a tama doll. keep spreading the tama love!! :huh: :rolleyes: :wacko: :huh:
Hey... I missed have missed this post going through... Thanks :huh:

Hatenatchi is not a secrt character. It's about the same level of Masktchi/Gozarutchi though.

I had the frog too! It's so cool!

@ TamaMum: Yeah, I noticed that too! Same with Pandatchi!

does everybody know about that whale lokking thing????Well stop calling it this
As i was looking through the website i noticed bellsprouts signature with his website onand thought i would give it a go. So i went on with intrest trying to find the whale and theen i come across it ..... hatenatchi!!!!! So i emailed rivvens tamadex and told him but still he has NOT updated it can other people try as well please???

P.S. If bellsprout could drop in and give us his website for other people to try it would be much appreciated!!! (hint hint!!!)

:mimitchi: :p :mametchi: :rolleyes: :D :eek: :) :angry:
Its called hatenatchi, weirdmossthingtchi, or waletchi. Glad I could help!!! :p

mine is a girl and i've been keeping the hearts as close to half and half as i can. i got kuribotchi and now i have itchigotchi. i wonder if i will get the frog croc character too. can all the characters be either male or female?
I think so but im not sure. :mametchi: :) :eek: :rolleyes: :mimitchi: :p

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