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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2006
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up in the clouds
Do you know a place that is haunted? What happened that made you think it was?

-Meddi ^-^ (please don't tell me I'm crazy ^^')

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Haunted? Haunted? Hmm nothings really happened to make me believe that theres a place haunted. But... theres rummoured that a Hall of a small town near my home is supposed to be haunted.

No but when I was little I used to think the haunted mansion ride at Disney had real ghosts in it but now it's like one of my favorite rides there X3.

A house down the street was in a fire. I didn't know this until after this experience.

Me and my friends, Liz and Jess, always wondered about the house (note: I was in ilke 4th grade or something) because it was so funny looking. (it's all burnt and there are big bushes and it's really scary) so we decided to check it out. We knocked on the door for like 5 minutes and we decided that nobody lived there. So we went into the backyard. There was this old blue car (it was cool except there was moss and nasty junk on it) and it was weird and deserted. We saw this knob, turned it and water came out of this hose. We tried to turn it off but the knob wouldn't turn o_O. We finally got it to turn and it shut off. Then Jess heard this loud sound that sounded like a really mean animal in this barn thingy and we high tailed it. We were creeped out for so long. Liz spent the night at my house but Jess couldn't. Now everytime I go by that house I always remember this. I wanna do it again though now that I'm older......

My house is haunted by an old man with a mustache, also know as my father. x3

my house is haunted in a good way though.by my dead twin sister pheobe.yes she took my realdiamond cross necklace.she dosen't want to give it back*sniffle*.that necklace was worth a whopping FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!it is true.but back to the topic.did you know that gosts ARE REAL.they are spririts of the [living] dead.X3

I agree,people may of had just some bad experiences with things so they think they are "haunted",but realy there is no such thing.

My house.

There's a creepy feeling to it. We have tons of stuff that's there one morning and gone the next, sometimes I hear erm, voices (though, that's probably my own fault. I'm not completaly non-loopy), one time I heard someone going to the bathroom when the door was open and I could see clearly there was NOBODY THERE, that sort of stuff.

Most people don't believe in Ouija boards.. But I personally do.

My family [with the exception of my dad] plays with ours all the time in the basement. We've got a ghost named Ted, a 56 year old man, who likes children and watches us while we sleep. He's nice. :3

Some say that the people push it, but now that we've kept bringing it out, the piece moves much faster than most do.

So I do believe that my house is haunted, but not in a bad way.. Ted just likes to turn our TVs off and make noises in our kitchen. It definitely gives our house a creepy sort of feeling, but we don't mind so much anymore.

My Elementary school was haunted. It was right next to this old brick house where someone died in it, and there's a graveyard right next to it. It was so creepy. The power would randomly go off and once I saw a ghost in the gym. OO

Uhh... My house.

I'm not so sure though. I hear the sound of the light turning on in the hall when no one is there. It's weird, because my house is like BRAND NEW. Scary. o_O

.... Freeeaky!! Okay, have I got something to tell you guys! This story involves me = Desirae , my friend = Isabella/Bella , and Isabella's cousin = Raquel. I am not lying, this is a true story that happened when I spent the night at my BFFs house. It still gives me the chills when I think of it sometimes, but... here it goes.

Okay, it was late June or early July, and I called Isabella. "Hey Bella, are you doing anything Tuesday?" She said no, so I asked if I could spend the night at her house because everybody in my house was either working or busy. She said, "Sure. We'll pick you up about ten. Cool?" I said, "Thanks!" So two days later, she came over to my house with her mom and picked me up. I had my bags packed with my clothes, pajamas, and my diary (I can't stand going a day without writing!!). I had never been to her house before, so it was new to me. When we got there, I realized how new everything looked, so I asked her if her house was brand-new. She said it wasn't, it was about fifty years old, and they had been living in it for almost two years. I put my stuff down in her bedroom and we went to the kitchen and made popcorn and took out some pickles. The doorbell rang, and Raquel was going to be spending the night too. I was fine with that, so we made some more popcorn and got a pickle out for her. We all sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. There was this ghost show about ghosts/spirits/the supernatural, so we watched it. Afterward, Raquel said she had to use the bathroom and that she'd be right back. She went in, and about ten minutes later, she came out with scratches all over her face and arms. We asked what happened, and Raquel tried doing Bloody Mary. You've heard of it guys, right? If not, she turned on the sink/shower, turned off the lights, and said Bloody Mary three times while slowly going in a circle. Then, she said she saw a red, bloody face in the mirror, the lights flickered, and then she got scratched but didn't feel anything. I decided I didn't want to stay the night, so I asked Bella's mom to drive me to my mom's work and I'd stay there.

It was sooo scary, and the next day, Raquel's scratches were all gone. I couldn't believe it, and I had so many nightmares for about two weeks, it was unbelievable.

My house. This might sound odd but i saw a lady in a white dress with teased hair and she look like she was in her fiftys', so I wondered who it was. I went into the room where she went she was in a picture that had my grandfather, IT WAS MY GRANDMOTHER! and my grandfather died in the house!!!

I think my bedroom is haunted, by my hamsters who have died...

Ever since my fist hamster (bandit) Died, every night, i feel a hamster like something around my feet... or it could probably just be my other hamster got out of her cage and it running around my feet.

.... Freeeaky!! Okay, have I got something to tell you guys! This story involves me = Desirae , my friend = Isabella/Bella , and Isabella's cousin = Raquel. I am not lying, this is a true story that happened when I spent the night at my BFFs house. It still gives me the chills when I think of it sometimes, but... here it goes.
Okay, it was late June or early July, and I called Isabella. "Hey Bella, are you doing anything Tuesday?" She said no, so I asked if I could spend the night at her house because everybody in my house was either working or busy. She said, "Sure. We'll pick you up about ten. Cool?" I said, "Thanks!" So two days later, she came over to my house with her mom and picked me up. I had my bags packed with my clothes, pajamas, and my diary (I can't stand going a day without writing!!). I had never been to her house before, so it was new to me. When we got there, I realized how new everything looked, so I asked her if her house was brand-new. She said it wasn't, it was about fifty years old, and they had been living in it for almost two years. I put my stuff down in her bedroom and we went to the kitchen and made popcorn and took out some pickles. The doorbell rang, and Raquel was going to be spending the night too. I was fine with that, so we made some more popcorn and got a pickle out for her. We all sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. There was this ghost show about ghosts/spirits/the supernatural, so we watched it. Afterward, Raquel said she had to use the bathroom and that she'd be right back. She went in, and about ten minutes later, she came out with scratches all over her face and arms. We asked what happened, and Raquel tried doing Bloody Mary. You've heard of it guys, right? If not, she turned on the sink/shower, turned off the lights, and said Bloody Mary three times while slowly going in a circle. Then, she said she saw a red, bloody face in the mirror, the lights flickered, and then she got scratched but didn't feel anything. I decided I didn't want to stay the night, so I asked Bella's mom to drive me to my mom's work and I'd stay there.

It was sooo scary, and the next day, Raquel's scratches were all gone. I couldn't believe it, and I had so many nightmares for about two weeks, it was unbelievable.
That's scary.

Actually, there is a guy who is dead now who lives in my house. I wouldn't be very suspicious, though.

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