Have a good laugh.


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Today in class we were reading our journals.

"What was the highlight of your Holiday break"

So we all read. Alex read his

"The Highlight of my Winter Holiday was getting evicted from my Apartment!" (Teacher)"Why?" "I took a dump in the washing machines, you know the ones you pay money in. And they caught me on camera. So on Friday when I got home from school, I got a note of eviction!"

That got the class either laughing or going "Huh? WTH"

I got the whole class laughing by saying "I got the new Britney Spears CD! It made me happy!"

Now I didn't word this word to word, but really, sometimes I wonder about my class....



*Sighs* I'll share a good laugh... Too.

[PS: You have to understand music terms to understand this.. Otherwise.. You may not]

Today in Band, we were discussing ecoharmonics, and my BD asked George what a ecoharmonic of G# would be. George: G# is between A and Z. xDD

^ -doesn't get it-
Anyway, those are pretty Lol moments people! =)
A Ecoharmonic. A note that sounds the same, but is written or fingered differently.

A Ecoharmonic. A note that sounds the same, but is written or fingered differently.
They still won't understand xD Non-musical people are so naive. XD I thought it was funny. Once, I had to count how many beats were in a measure, and the director was like: "I'll give you a hint, it's from 3-5." Then I was like: "SIX!" And that is how I got my nickname "Blondie."

They still won't understand xD Non-musical people are so naive. XD I thought it was funny. Once, I had to count how many beats were in a measure, and the director was like: "I'll give you a hint, it's from 3-5." Then I was like: "SIX!" And that is how I got my nickname "Blondie."

Also, today in lessons, I "won" $50k. xDD Mr.H was offering us $100k, and Kyle or George couldn't get it right at first, and I ALMOST got it right.

I don't get all these music things peeps are saying. I'm the most musically retarded ever. In music me and my mate Lauren were voted 'Least likely to pass' but in theory test I got 48/50 and my mum hailed it a miricle.

In practical we all had to learn any song on the key board. I chose the easiest [had only 5 notes] and half way through I started freaking out and ended up just bashing any key in front of me, then my teacher glared at me and I shrugged my shoulders 'Freestyle?'

Our class was always rather funny. We had so many good times one including a sub teacher who wore a tight white skirt and a electrict pink g-string. I was like 'Shes either wearing a g-string or got a epic wedgie' at that stage she walked back in whule we were in fits of laughter.

Schools a good fail place!

In homeroom last quarter, we had a substitute. And here are a few things that I heard her say to the class (i was reading, so i didn't catch everything)

"Who's making horse noises?"

"put that silly putty away!"

"get that book out of your pants!"

"Did you just say "your mom" to me?!?"

"Where'd my pen g-- GET MY PEN OUT OF YOUR NOSE!"

You get the picture. Homeroom at my school is BAD. Homeroom with a sub is WORSE.

I wonder if the guy who got evicted has money. >_>

In the classroom, sometimes we can free write.

And my story made everyone crack up for one part where my classmate was a hamburger.

They are loco.


Lol! XD

In gym class, we had to jump over this big wooden vault thing and everyone did it perfectly and then me and my best friend ran at the same time and, as you've guessed, didn't make it. We just sat there on the vault thing laughing. x3 Epic fail.

Also, we had to sing the English National Anthem in school (the 'God Save The Queen' one) and I forgot the words (Yes, yes, dumb blondie, that's me) and screeched this random wrong word out of tune. My friends and I started cracking up in the middle of a very serious assembly. xD

In a end of year school production at primary my sister was cast lead role. She had to wear some heels and other stuff and she stacked it on stage and slid right off the stage into the other roles who were meant to pop up later and sing. And she broke her ankle too.

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