Have the lab ray, come here!


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2006
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I have the lab ray, and here is what i'm doing for neopets. I'm keeping one neopet for myself and i'm going to train it for the battledome. I'm going to keep sending my 3 other pets to the lab ray, and when they get painted i'm putting them in the pound, and adopting more basic color neopets.

I'll keep doing the same thing over and over.

1.Adopt basic color

2.Get them painted

3.Put painted pets in the pound

4.Adopt more basics


If we all do this there will be more painted pets around, and less people trying to save up for expensive paint brushes.

Save up for the lab ray it's much better.

That's a good idea. You might also want to adopt brown and white Grundos from the Space Station for free (I think) and pound them. That way a lot of people wouldn't have to wait until Grundo Day to create a Grundo.

I have 8 pieces of the map and recently had my ninth piece stolen.

Im stll saving up for the whole map.

I have had it about 5 tmes before thoguh.

Yeah but that will make more "OMG LOOK WHAT I GOT" on the HC and it gets annoying. >.<. Look me up Dolphin_lover35. :)

Yeah it would, but still they are excited when they get a good pet.

Thanks for liking my idea, the one about the grundos seems good, but think about it, the more you make, the more that will be in the pound..I see alot of grundos in the pound already reguardless if you can only make them once a year,people are bored of them it seems...

If you have 4 pets already, and have one a basic color, and have the lab ray, consider changing one and putting it in the pound, then you can keep adopting pound pets with one space open!

So what if people brag, ignore them, at least you know your doing a good thing. :(

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