Have U ever!


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I haven't.

But I've heard this guy has been struck like 7 times or something.

And he's still alive...

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I almost was! I was at my cousins house and it was raining and we were in the pool (i know, arent we smart? XD) and jumping on the tramploine outside the pool. So when i was out of the pool, i went in the trampoline and then went out, and suddenly a flash of light went by me, right near my leg, and i was right by the outide wall of their house. And then the power in the house went out and i didn't know it had kind of hit right next to me untill after it was gone. It didn't hurt, i went numb. I couldn't walk, but i think it was out of shock. They took m to the hospitaleven tho i didn't want to and they said i almost got hit by lightning and they were like "are you sure, she dosn't look that bad" but kept me there over night untill they were sure i was ok. kind of scarry!


No I have not been struck by lightning. o.o;

There was a girl who was doing something in the bathroom and got struck by lightning. Lucky for her she had her butt on a metal towel rack so the electricity got transfered to that. Pretty spiffy.

i havent been stuck bye lightning but iv been eletricuted heres my story :3

my sister was having a party and it starded raining i was walking on a litle bridge to get back to the house (it was dark outside so there were christmas lights on the bridge)i guess i stepped on a light (barefoot) and my foot felt a shoking feeling and i feel to the floor.it felt very weird (people were asking why i was on the ground XD)

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