Have you ever been at deaths door?


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Yeah, like six years ago.

I was at this beach when I was five, with my mom, my dad, my 2 year old brother, my four and five year old friend, M and R and their parents B and K.

So there was this little pool it wasn't man made. We had two life jackets, at firsdt me and R went in, but M couldn't. I could swim a bit, and the water wasn't over my head, so I gave my life jacket to M.

My dad was probably talkingto B or something when this happened.

I was walking aroung, and there was a bit that got deep, and it was sorta sucking me in. I really wasn't a strong swimmer at the time, so I couldn't get out. I don't think I was screaming, I probably knew that I'd breathe in some water! I went under, then I'd pull myself up, and that went on for a while. I told myself that I was gonna die, so I decided to just take a big breath of air, and curl up in a ball. Guess what? I floated! XD

I also hit my head on the ice really hard once without a helmet.

I hurt myself constantly.

But when I was 3, my temperature went over 40c degrees and I went to the hospital. I was screaming and like, seeing spiders and fire everywhere. It was scaryyyy >.<

Not that I can really remember. Like, we've all had our swimming accidents and all that.

But once, on a Saturday morning, I was playing with Daniel's softball team, and I was playing as the catcher, and the batter swung the bat when I wasn't ready to start the game and hit me like sort of in my mouth, but my cheek.. It's hard to explain. But anyway, he knocked me out, poor guy freaked out haha. Apparently when I was unconcious, they had to like, roll me over because I was choking on blood D:

Anyway, we got to hospital, blah blah. They did x-rays and the impact of the bat chipped my cheek bone, and my tooth pierced my lip :\ I got some stiches and a massive bruise.

It's all fine now, and you can hardly see the scar. That was last year. It was pretty scary, but looking back, it was funny.

I felt sorry for the batter though lol, he was freaking out.

This is a topic for people who have almost died. not jokes. Anyway I don't know if I posted in this before or not. But I have twice. Before when I was like 5 it was the 4th of July and alot of the kids were in my grandma's pool. So I decided to get in but when I put one of those round tube things on when I jumped into the pool I guess before I got into the water it slipped off and I almost drowned but my cousin Shelby helped me. And also before when I was 8 I choked on a peice of steak and then I finally was able to get it down. Yep those were very scary experiences.
Whoops. I do hope i'm not cursed, 4th july is my birthday :)

But the only thing that has happened to me was that I choked on an icecube. I was sucking one to get rid of the hiccups, then when the hiccups had gone I went to get another icecube, and I was talking to my dad and then I choked on the icecube. I lived.

My mother almost died once, she had medingitus caused by bacterial infection. Not good. She is okay now though.

Sarcasm much?
This is a topic for people who have almost died. We frown upon the sarcasm of people almost dying.
Oh no, I really was serious. How dare you accuse me of being sarcastic!!!

I almost died, and you don't seem to care.

And today I almost choked on a tic-tac. Big wow :)

And I also burned my self last week. I was using the encaustic art set (you melt wax on the iron, then you spread it across the shiny card. Makes lovely unique patterns.) because I put too much wax on the iron and it dripped on my hand. It was hot. Very hot. It hurt for 10 seconds and then it left a mark that dissapeared in 12 hours. :) the mark was smaller than a tic-tac.

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While riding my bike almost slid down a kill

Dog almost ripped me to shreads(had to smack him =(

and thats it -_____-

yup, it was hen i was 6 or 7 i went to swim in the deep part of a pool on a hotel, my height was about 1.31 , i almost drown (cuz i got nervous) but my mom saved me, i told she :"thank you!!!!, you are like my angel!

i love she so much!! :(

When I was 6 years old. (This is when we still lived in Canada) In swimming lessons, I had my life jacket on. And I said to my instructor: "Watch me do a summersault!" and so she told me "Okay" so then I did it. And I got stuck with my head in the water, and the rest of my body was flailing above the water! Nobody did anything, they just stood there and watched. I counted the time, but it was hard, because my thoughts were racing, yet everything was in slow motion. It felt like 5 minutes with no air, until I started to sink, and I hit the bottom of the 9ft deep pool. That's all I remember until I blacked out at the bottom of the pool. When I woke up, some hot 16 year old boy swimming instructor was giving me CPR o.0 And my parents STILL don't know about it!

And onced I passed out in my pool-ALONE.

A few years ago I was in a really bad truck wreck. It was winter time and the old truck slid on some ice and we went headlong into a telephone pole. I crawled out of the truck and was bleeding really bad. The ambulance came and they had to restrain me one a rolling bed and they put me on the ambulance. I only had to get a few stitches. We went back to look at the truck because it was still where we had left it. The telephone pole was directly in the center of the front of the truck. If it had been just a little closer to the left or the right, either me or my dad would have been killed. I thank God everyday for letting us live.

This happened to me at the weekend!

I was drinking with a few friends down near a field where everyone goes to get pi**ed up and have a laugh. Of course, me being me decided to have 3 1/2 litres of a strong bow (2 litre bottles from Asda) and I was out of it..the next thing I know, I'm at the bottom of this river (about 12 foot) and 3 people jumped in to save me. Nearly died!

My Brother attempted murder towards me 3 times.

Once, he was on top of me while I was crawling on my hands and knees. Then he put one hand on my nose, and the other on my mouth. He almost suffocated me.

The 2nd time he straight out tried to choke me.

the 3rd time HE PULLED ME UNDERWATER AND WOULDN'T LET ME UP! I didn't black out, or need CPR, though.

I was just a kid when I nearly drowned in a VERY deep pool. So thats why I suck at swimming, and my fear and hate of swimming. :ichigotchi:

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