Have you ever been at deaths door?


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Yeah I have 2 times

#1 . This was in May last year!! I was on a hoilday and me and my Mum were going to this underground shopping center , but you had to go down this massive flight of stairs and i was running down the stairs and i fell from top to bottom!

#2 . this was a few months ago , I swinging on the swing at the park , then i fell flat on my face and stomch when i was swinging really fast!! , I was like '' uhhhhhhhh........'' and i kept coughing

Rachel - you had a skate blade across your face?


How did it happen?
I was nine and an O.k skater.

i was wearing no helmet and i slipped and fell and thensomeone skated over my lip.

i got up surounded by a pool of my own blood and opened my mouth to cry and and blood poured out.


i went to the ER and went through like 10 pieces of gauze on my lip then got the needle INSIDE MY LIP

to freeze it, then theres my mom standing over me crying and the doctor moving the needle.





i could feel the sutures going in and out of my lip.

from then on,

i still skated every saturday! XDD

When i was little i playing with my friends they run faster i slowed down to catch my breath then i tried to talk and i couldnt breath it felt like i had bubbles in my lungs i almost fainted the duty teacher did nothing Note : substitute. lol it was recess i lived though i almost choked

Last year, I was playing kickball, and I fell and skined my knee basically right open. I got to use a ambulance! :ph34r:

While I was at Projecket Rev. I accidently got pulled into the mosh pit, now take into mind I was kinda, really skinny and about 5'1. So then this realy burly dude accidently knocks me over then I get trampled. Lucky some of the bouncers pick me up and give me some water. But come on! I could not breath while I was on the floor. So that is my near death experiance. Since that day I have grown (5'3 1/2) and now when I go to concerts I try to help people out of the pit.

everyday, i am at death's door. my friends all hate me, i am hated by so many people, my social status (though i dont care that much) is way down. its not just my social status though. my physical heath is pretty okay, i guess, my mental health, not quite as such. i have ocd, add, adhd, stuff like that, but it's mostly severe ocd. i am a cutter, if you know what that is. i have been high, i have dealt with drugs, alcohol, blood, yes. death is only the start, some people say, they have no idea. death is just so....anyone like that, like me and deadly experiences, you know exactly what i mean, anyone else, no offense meant, its natural for me to automatically think you are naive. im sorry, thats just my perspective, my view on things. :)

I dont know if it is a near death experience or anything, but... I have posted in this thread before, havent I... Yeah... well, here I go again:

I have fallen on my head multiple times, I think it may have resulted in a bit of permanent damage. If you knew me in person, you would agree. On the compi, you can hit the backspace in time to calm down, in life, not so much. So... yeah.

Explains alot, right?

My nieces were playing IT together near a really busy road on a pavement, one accidently pushed me to the road and I nearly got squished under a car but luckily I had a foot to save me.

I once fell down the stairs as a teenager and knocked myself out plus breaking my leg. My parents weren't home and my brother was playing football. He told my parents that he saved me by throwing a glass of water on me but I doubt it because I was as dry as a bone, lol. That isn't as close as deaths door but it should still count.

n_n Yesterday I almost got hit by a stopped car. No really, the driver slowed and stopped and I ran across and just as I started going it started up again and the driver yelled at me. Dang teenagers.

when i was born i wasn't breathing. i was put in an incubator and aprantly nothing was wrong with me.....i just didn't want to breath o.o suicidal baby XD the nurse gave me back to my mom and said "Good luck with her. She's stubborn"dang right i am! XD

I've knocked on its door and with my friend nun the less :wacko: , this happened not to long ago, about a day ago...

I was talking with someone when my fone rang, it was one of my friends saying that my other friend was on the bridge out side of town and he was going to jump. I got to them as fast as I could, as i inched closer to him I talked to him and tried to calm him down but when i was around a meter away he jumped. I quickly ran to the edge and jumped off after him, when I reached him in mid fall i grabbed him and switched him to I was underneath and I hit the water first.

He would've died if I didnt do that because he went head first, i only survied because my back it the water and not my neck. Mind you i did a major BACKFLOP.! oh the pain T_T

I once choked on some meat and almost choked to death, if my grandma hadn't been there then I would have like, choked to death, abd this was on holiday.

I suppose that a good point to being a vegetarian. =/

Not really, but one of my bus drivers kept driving with my backpack strap stuck in the door. If I hadn't screamed "STOP! STOP!" multiple times I would've been dragged on the road and killed.

I was at the gas station and my dad let me pump gas cuz I wanted to and I let go of the pump and got sprayed with gasoline if somebody around me was smoking I would not be here to tell the story. I would be dead

This doesnt really count but here are 2 that happened:

I was running in 1st grade and a banged my head on a metal slide edge.

I was bleeding all over. Ugh it was so warm the blood Xp

Just recentley I got hit in the forehead by something I dont recall

and I have this big ugly bruise on my forehead. Its changing color each day.

Yesterday it was a mild purple. Today its a light green with dark green mixed XP

Its an ugly bruise all right DX

I have, around a couple times mainly because I am allergic to bees and wasps.

Well when I was 4 I got stung by a bee and I never knew I was allergic, but there was a hospital nearby.

But if I don't get to a hospital in 20 minutes I will die.

And just last summer there was a bee flying around my helmet and I accidently swatted it away then I realised that there a 50/50 chance of me hitting the stinger then pretty much dying.

And I almost got hit by a car once.

I am accident prone, but I have never even broken a bone!

I was in the hospital a couple months ago and my heart rate dropped really low like 38. :lol:

They said I could have had a heart attack at any time, but I didn't, if that counts.

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