Have you ever been at deaths door?


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I almost didn't survive birth because I had some sort if illness.

Me n my dad were talking about car aciddents in the car

i was sitting in the front seat and right after we finished talking about car accidents not even two seconds later i lokk to my right and a HUGE Semi is coming right at me!!! my dad speed up and it missed out car by inches I WAS SO SCARED i moved to the back middle seat after that lol

I can't say I've ever been really close to death. But I had to save my sister. She was only 6 months at the time and we went to a pool. She had to wear a life jacket, but she crawled right into the deep end without it and started sinking, so I jumped into the water fully clothed and pulled her out.

I was tubing, and a big branch was in the way.. The water was really high and also running fast.. My tube fell away and I was stuck on a broken tree branch..

Yea, I will never go tubing again! ^__^

I can't say I've ever been really close to death. But I had to save my sister. She was only 6 months at the time and we went to a pool. She had to wear a life jacket, but she crawled right into the deep end without it and started sinking, so I jumped into the water fully clothed and pulled her out.
I had to save my sister like that. We were in our back yard ad somehow she got through our pool gate and we went after her and she slipped in the pool (it was mid winter) and so i jumped in got her fully clothed too.

Its scary when your siblings get hurt or fallin the pool or somthin like that

Uh, not really. I've almost drowned about three times, but I wasn't like, on my deathbed. Anyways, I almost drowned in the seven feet, so I would just float to the top. [bEFORE I drowned, obviously.]

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When I was about 7 I was riding a bike down a hill, and the brakes didn't work so I couldn't stop it and It crashed right at the edge of an empty creek (it was a long way to fall and there were sharp rocks at the bottom) I broke my arm, but I was so lucky I didn't fall into the creek.

Another time, I was laying down on the floor and my friend (who is A LOT heavier than me) came and sat on my chest and I couldn't breathe. I tried to tell her to get off but she thought I was only joking... then I went blue in the face and she realised I wasn't.

I have been multiple times.

Just recently, I've almost gotten hit by a car.

Other times, it's just because I get sick too much.

And other times, I've tried to do it myself.

- xd3vilx

No, But one of my friends was killed when he was mountaineering.

He fell about 200Feet.

He Died a few days later in hospital.

I've almost been hit by trucks and cars many times.

When i was little.. i wandered out onto a busy high way and almost got hit... but my dad saved me (we lived right by it) i think i was like 2

and then in like 3rd grade, i ran across a busy street, and almost got hit by a truck.

and then i was having 106-107 fevers when i was like born..

i had mucus in my spinal cord O-o

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