Have you ever been at deaths door?


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A couple times.

1. i was sitting in the car and buckled up when a big mean dog came into the car and almost bit me.

(i was really young, like 3 or 4)my mom was terrified and didn't know what to do

2. when i was 10 i fell off a motorized scooter and passed out for awhile in the middle of the road, my dad found me and i had a broken nose, and a concussion, i also have many scars(not that big) all over my body from falling down and once i burned my leg on a motorcycle.(its hardly noticable anymore thank goodness!)

3. when i was 6 i got into a pretty bad car crash

i am a huge klutz and i fall down the stairs wayy too much,and my mom is always telling me to be more careful because i have cuts and bumps all over my body. i heal pretty quick though.

i just read this list again and its amazing that i have no super bad scars or anything! wow!

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I had a bad case of the flu when I was a baby. REALLY bad.

I was in Preshcool, I did something so severe that I split my lip.

This didn't happen to me but when I was in afterschool care, 2 boys were rough playing and somehow the bulliten board fell of one of their heads.

I was playing with a plastic cart (harmless, eh?) when a piece of plastic got stuck to my fingernail and ripped it off.

Then, I fell out of bed one night and hit my head.

My mom and I went to the store and a SUV almost ran over us.

Recently I landed myself in hospital with alcohol poisoning. Near fatal amount. It truly scared me more than anything else stupid I've done.

When i was in my room me and my friend we were dancing to the South Park Theme and she accidently hit me really hard on the back of my head while doing the final move and i blacked out :eek: next thing i know she gave me a councussion <_< shes not my friend anymore because we moved, so its sorta nice, she was really mean.

When i was a baby i fell down the basement stairs and landed at the bottom on the cement. I got rushed to the hospital but was ok.

then in elementary school i started choking on a piece of hot dog and nobody noticed i kept making the choking sign, everything turned red but then i managed to get it dislodged by swallowing a lot. that time i was certain i was going to die.

When i was a tiny little frigger, i almost made a clothes drawer fall on me.

I almost died man


You shouldv'e seen what happened!

I was eating cheese and bacon balls with my brother in the car boot. It was really cold so i had my foot on the little clutchy thing then i closed it. no safety opener, no light just my brother, some cheese and bacon balls and me. PLUS we were just outside our garage without any one there so i was probably stuck in there for 3 or so minutes and the following day I was stuck at a university (i was only about 10) all by myself at 5:00 to about 7:00 but there were people walking around and stuff but i felt so rejected as if i wasn't wanted... :(

'I WAS SOO SCARED!!! WAAAAHHHHH!!!!' okay i didn't act like that but i cried okay!

Okay lemme think....

  1. When I was born I wasn't breathing so they had to put me in a machine or something.
  2. When I was 9 I was trying to catch up to my family, I ran across the street and a car was zooming at me and I just missed being hit by it.
  3. When I was 11 I got a little cocky about my bike skills and zoomed down a hill, turned a sharp corner, and the bike slid out from under me, I skidded across the road and ended up being trapped under my bike with huge wounds on my elbow and shin. I screamed and my mom came and pulled me out from under though.
  4. When I was 12 I got hit straight in the eyeball (the actual eyeball not the lid or anything) with a small ball and I clutched my eye and everything was going black and it hurt so bad I was screaming "OH GOD, AM I GOING TO HEAVEN!!?? I THINK I'M DYING!!! AM I DYING!?" And I couldn't see out that eye and my pupil had dilated to the size of a pinpoint. But fortunately I was fine.


Yep i was orn with leucemia(Cancer) and then once my brother put a rubber ring on a swimming pool then picked me up and aimed and threw me to it (before i could swim) and i missed so yeah and lots more

i'm really healthy and upper-class. so i'm not in any risk. :ichigotchi:

how do u think i own 8 tamagotchis and 1 ds, 2 ds lites, a wii, an xbox, a playstation 2, a nintendo 64, an NES, 2 gameboy colors, and 2 gameboy advances?
well just because you upper class doesnt mean your safe i have all that and a hottub a fife story house and a pool table

When my brother and I where born I weighed 1 pound and a half he weighed 3 pounds, we where 3 and a half months early, twins. He weighed more than me because the umbilical cord went to him first and I got the left overs. I was born blue my parents have told me I was blue because I was not breathing at all. He got to go home after a month in the hospital I had to spend 3 months in the hospital hooked up to machines breathing for me and a feeding tube. When we where born we had a 50/50 chance of living or dieing. We both had to have a heart monitor that would beep if heart rate got to low or stopped beating for months after getting released from the hospital. We both survived and are here today.

I also have asthma which I was probably born with and have had to go to the hospital for it many times. I have even stayed a week in the hospital because I had the flu and my asthma got really bad.

ok ok i think i remember now how many times i have been on deaths door! warning this may be long!

One time me and my friend where at a water park and i went down the wrong way and my friend crashed into me and at least 5 people crashed into him and i went under water and blacked out. the lifegaurd had to give me CPR. and another time when i was at least 3 i went to a beach and this teenager pushed me under, thankfully he let go but i almost drowned!

another time i was little in this one to i was imatating pikachu and i crashed into a tree :eek: and i had alot of blood gushing from me too!

and i was at disney world when i was 7 and i almost fell off the balcony in their hotels o.0

and this happened with my friend when he was 5 he almost got ran over by a car because he lives where theres alot of traffic and he went out and he almost got ran over thankfully his dad pulled him out.

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