Have you ever been outside of your home country?


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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2005
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Post here and say that if you've ever been outside of your home country.

Yes for me, but I've only been to China so far. I wanna go to other countries BADLY.

I've been to spain but I really wanna go to Australia. I live in england. Oh, just a warning, Dont come here. xDD

Never been out of Australia. I really want to go to Germany though ^_^
If you see hitler ask him for his Autograph for me. Thanks XD

I've been to america and greece.

i wanna go to france... SOOOOO BADDLYY!!!

but no, i've never been outside my country

If you see hitler ask him for his Autograph for me. Thanks XD
I've been to america and greece.
Hehe, Me too! Well, he tried blowing up Britian so forget about it!

My brother went to greece and said there was loads of stray cats which was fed all the time.

I've been to Turkey, and thats it.

Although i've been there 3 times, it's a nice country. But you get stalked alot if your a girl, have blue eyes and blonde hair. -couugh- Like me. ;)

I've been to Mexico.

I want to go to Europe, and Japan.

Always wondered how life is there :]

I am outside my home country right now. I am in the USA and i have been here for 10 years. I was born in Greece and stayed there untill i was 5, came here, began learning english at age 6 (first grade) and i was fluent by 2nd grade. Not many people know that english wasn't my first language :angry:


I've been in the South of Spain all my life, and have visited most of the Southern provinces. I also went to the South of Portugal and up North to Navarra once, but that is about it.

For the average people round here, I haven't done much in the way of travelling - but hopefully next year I might take a small visit to Japan.

i live in america but iv never left it i wanna go to the bahamas

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I've been to America once jsut for fun! =) it was weird at first cause people kept starring at me when i was talking...my whole family went except for my dad cause he was on a buisness trip in Japan. But i want to stay here in the UK for now. But i still gotta love america lolz


I haven't left America. I almost went to Mexico.

But, I really wanna go to Canada, Japan, or somewhere in Australia.

I've never left the US. I really want to go to Italy, Japan, and France.

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