Have you ever been pranked?


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yeas...i have been pranked. At school last year I was a patrol, and i had to pack up and go to into the class i patroled, and when i came back to my s=actual room to get something i forgot, MY CHAIR WAS ON TOP OF THE TEACHERS DESK!!!!!!!!!!!!! And there was a note sayin..... "I like pie" how retarded

Yeah on a tamagotchi site they said you can win a free tamagotchi by clicking a link. I did and I just got a picture of a tamagotchi. I was so upset. B)

i've never been pranked but i've pranked a LOT of people! lol it was hilarious! like this one time me and my little sister stayed the night at our friends' house and when she and her friend (my friend's little sister) fell asleep me and my friend got toothpaste out and put it on their lips cuz when it dries it hurts! it was funny! and i put toothpaste around my sister's cup of water (on the top where u drink from) and when they both woke up they said 'ow! it pinches! get it off! get it off!" me and my friend were laughing so hard! then we asked if they wanted a drink of water (and stupid me forgot all about the toothpaste on my sister's cup!) so they said yea and when my sister took a drink she made this really weird face! i started laughing sooo hard! but then i said sorry! lol :D :huh: :( B)

Well not that I can remember. One time my dad sat on peas (The Veggie!) And I couldnt stop laughing.

And my friend threw water on me for no reason, I was so P offed.

Im going camping on April Fools weekend, Imagine the girls I can prank! >D

i don't know if this counts as pranked but...

my brother was to my left, and he tapped my right soulder, i looked to my right and no one was there, naturally, he burst out laughing...


Yeh I have been pranked plenty of times but this is the most recent one ->

When I was walking home in the hallway, this person from my class pulls my book-bag, and knock me down on the floor on my back (the bookbag saved me from knocking my head on the floor) (2 people) it was so embrassing how can I survive Monday?!
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