Have you ever been the target of..


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
Have you ever been the target of a teacher's anger? Have you ever gotten in trouble, for something you didn't do, but your friends did it.. and the teacher braught you into the blame?

This is how I feel about my band teacher, Mr.C.

He always targets me, and blames me. I can be perfectly quiet during band class, but he'll yell at me if someone else is talking. He'll hold me back after class, and make me late for lunch. I'll end up getting detention because of him. And then on Mondays after school, we have full 7th and 8th grade band practice. Because people were coming out later than they should of from the 7th and 8th grade, we now have to put our instruments away 5 minutes earlier, and line up together in the hallway. It was my friends fault, 3 of them. I was always one of the first people out, I would always stand with my other friends and talk. Mr.C holds me and my 3 friends after class, and yells at us for doing this. I DIDN"T DO IT! He just held me back because I am friends with them, and so he immediately blames me too.

Has anything like this happen to you before?

Friday. This girl in my class kept pestering me because she tied a weird knot with her shoelaces and she wanted me to undo it. I did it a bit but I was still paying attention. I stopped, and she kept rambling on about it. And I don't get detentions in my school, my teacher justs makes us sit away from that person (we were sitting at the carpet). And I never get in trouble so when I do, it's hard. That was the first time it ever happened to me. Sigh. I hate it when you're accused for something that you didn't do.

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This should stay here. It's more of a serious problem.

I've been the target before. My student teacher is always strict. My class sits in groups for testing, which is this week, and we have 6 groups. I'm in group 6, and my guy friend was talking to me but I passed him a note saying to shush it and he had me read it in front of class which was embarrassing, and I had to move away from him for a few days! He was talking to me, not I! I felt like he hated me or something.

Yeah, but I don't really care.

I am usually not affected by anger or opinions unless I care for that particular person. Which, in most cases, if they care to tick me off in the first place, I don't care for them at all. I usually wait it out, and when they are done, say "Do you have any clue how you look right now?". They usually get ticked off, but don't have much else to say unless they call you to the office ^-^

Yeah, my old disciplinarian at my school would drag me into the office whenever my friend Natasha does something, and some how, I always end up the culprit. Just because I am friends with her doesn't mean I participate in the things she does. I don't do that stuff. But Ms. Peirce seems to think differently. So, I get blamed a lot, but usually end up weaseling myself out of it some how. They have no proof anyway.

[SIZE=7pt]Okay, I'm not going to lie. A couple of times.[/SIZE]

Really, who want's their Teacher to be angry at them?

It just creates a whole bunch of tension. Negative tension.

I don't try to make her mad.

But if somebody talks to me in the middle of a lesson, I say "Can you tell me at recess?" in a nice voice. That mostly works. But if your teacher is out of control or you don't agree with her, tell your Parents, and they can help you deal it out.

Well, I suppose fairly frequently. My Gran gets rather cranky at least twice a day, but cranky in general, not at me particularly. I'm just the only one there to listen to her rant.

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hahaha well wen it do happens to me i ussually smilles at the teacher to get them pi**ed,i laugh because its funny watching thmem act stupid nd making stupid decisions,hahaha nd i wuld say dat in from of their face also!! haha but its funnnn

yes me and my freinds ere at lunch and i got a soda can kicked at me by a second grader

and this evil teacher came up to me and sid pick it up and i said it was not mine that kid in your class kicked it at me and she said i won't take that from you and my teacher came by and gave me a look like i feel sorry for you and she made me pick it up and the people i was with aid it's ok shes just mad because she's shorter than you,and yes she was very short and now gives me evil looks and talks about me like i am evil and i was talking to her very polite and even calling her mam :) :) :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

My 5th grade teacher hated me to no extent. She only picked on me. She hated my younger brother too. I was happy and relieved to be out of there.


She was nicer to the other students. But she always isolated me and kept me away from my friends. She didn't understand me.

I don't remember...But I think there was one time I wasn't singing loud enough for our concert and the teacher got the 6 most silent students (including me, for some odd reason, and I was singing louder then other people I know! AND IM THE NOISEIST IN THE FREAKIN' HOUSE! D:) and yelled at us to no extent.

I was in a "WOAH WTF is your problem?" mood and my face was this: O.O

I never said anything for the rest of the day. xD My mum came in my room and said,

"Hey, there's no noise in the house. WHATS GOING ON??" XD

Strange days when I was 8. XD


I haven't really gotten the really mean teachers so I guess I'm pretty lucky. I feel sorry for you guys who have evil teachers and who pick on you. Here's a good website to go to if you want to give your teachers a rank or comments, https://www.ratemyteacher.com ,


Oohhh yes. My french teacher..

If you knew me in real life, you'd know I'm a very defensive person. I don't take crap from anybody, so that's why my french teacher and I don't mix. She's nice to everyone, BUT me. In class I'm always the one who gets asked the questions, and when I answer them the tiniest bit wrong, she pretty much yells at me. But when she asks someone else, they don't even know what they're doing and they get a "Oh nice try".

Also, when a friend is talking it's like "TTK07, STOP TALKING!" and I'll be like, "I wasn't?" and we'll have an argument which ends up with me in detention.

I can tell you 56576699 other stories, but having a clickable keyboard is no fun.

have you ever told your teacher you aren't doing this stuff? if it's your friends that are making the trouble, and if they're good friends, they would understand that you told your teacher. they would get that you don't want to be getting in trouble because they are the ones messing around. it's that simple. best of luck!

Yes. Teacher's love to pick on me. I don't care. I'm a good student, I get good grades, the teacher's just have some sort of problem with me...Maybe because I don't talk posh...

In History the teacher hates me. If I've been off school he loves to ask me questions about I can't possibly know. I basically just reply with "How should I know? I haven't been here." He replies with "Or you weren't listening? You know I've had quite enough of our attitude. You never get homework in on time and-" That's when it annoys me "Yes I do! I always get homework in on time! Oh whatever!"

oh, it sucks.. in this grade, i've done 2 'major' bad things MONTHS ago. i'm still under her watch.

i'm also picked on by my Music teacher.

cecib :ph34r:

have you ever told your teacher you aren't doing this stuff? if it's your friends that are making the trouble, and if they're good friends, they would understand that you told your teacher. they would get that you don't want to be getting in trouble because they are the ones messing around. it's that simple. best of luck!
Tried that.

Believe me, so teachers are just.. rude.

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