have you ever contacted spirits?


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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2007
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Who here has ever contacted a spirit? i have. through an ouija board. i know it can be dangerous, but i know what im doing. once a spirit told me it was my grandfather. but i dont think it was, because they can read your mind and i was thinking it then.

No and I don't plan to. Not with evil ghosts or spirits, anyway - the Holy Ghost is fine with me.

I used an ouija board too. It said I will marry John and have 4 kids xD

I believe in ghost, afterlifes, and reincarnations. I think that De ja vu happens because maybe that thing that made you feel de ja vu happened in a past life. I think it would be awesome to talk to a ghost, or see one. :wub:

No,But My camp counselor has. He used a ouja board in his friends attic. They asked if they were alone. The answer was no.They asked who it was. It said satn. They asked where it was. It said wall. Then they asked what it was. It said fly wall. They looked over and there was a fly on the wall! They ran away REALLY fast!!! Pretty creepy....... @_@

No,But My camp counselor has. He used a ouja board in his friends attic. They asked if they were alone. The answer was no.They asked who it was. It said satn. They asked where it was. It said wall. Then they asked what it was. It said fly wall. They looked over and there was a fly on the wall! They ran away REALLY fast!!! Pretty creepy....... @_@
Thats cool :3

God, that would freak me out. By the way, what's an ouija board?


I get scared really easy, so it's a good thing I never seen a spirit. lol

Well I wouldn't say they are real, atleast in this world. Usually, people think and think about it and end up convincing them selves that there is such a thing like a ghost, or spirit.. But,.. maybe it's just that they miss someone, so their mind tricks them into thinking that they are actually seeing a relative or friend.. I don't really know, I do believe in God, and the Devil... but i'm pretty sure God wouldn't give the devil that much power XD But if they are real, they can't hert U.. Only U can hert yourself by running into a wall scraed to death, or going into the nuthouse because U say there is ghosts, just ignore them... then maybe they'll go away?,... besides.. most kids grow up and lose their fears of beliefs of these.. so!.. U can choose to believe, or not believe.

Does my guinea pig count?

I was 10 and it was 2 days after one of my guinea pigs died. All day strange things had happened. My remaining guinea pigs would normally cuddle up because it was cold. This time they cuddled up as if there were 4 of them, not 3. I also say the water bottle-container move with water dripping and then disappearing. I don't know if I was paranoid or not, but I swear it really happened.

Then that night I had a dream and my guinea pig was in it. She was riding a boat and waving at me, and sailing away squeaking something but I also heard "Goodbye, I will never forget you. Don't forget me..." and then the voice faded and the boat sailed away. My dream was only 5 seconds long. Then the next morning all the weird stuff stopped.

If that dream really was my guinea pig's spirit, I'm happy that she loved me enough to say goodbye :eek:

yeah there is a website called peteranswers.com and i thought that spirits were real because he said bloody-mary(not the drink) was gonna kill me and he knows my name(Ella)the color of my eyes(dark green)and my best friends name(celine)but my brother chris got into the script and to prove that it wasn't real.and it isnt real.

[SIZE=13pt] >.>" Nope...Never have, never will. I don't believe in that type of stuff. :/[/SIZE]

I'll only contact the holy ghost thank you very much. D:

I remember one of my friends wanted me to try it out with her...But uggg, it's just to strange for me. ]:


No, And I don't really believe in that kind of stuff either.

My mom does though..sort of....a bit. She and My sister (I was a baby then, My mom was like 23 yrs old, My sister 17)

They were using the Ouija bored, and My mom asked it a question "How Many Kids Have I had/would have had"

It said Four. My Brother, Two Miscarrages and Me

Then She asked what her First born Childs Name was, and it said "Dale" which is my Brothers name.

Then My sister asked what Her daughters first and Middle name was and it said "Ocean Dawn Marie" (which it is, She's my oldest Neice, She'll be 14 in november, My nephew should be 12 or 11 on July 12. But I havent seen/talked to them since they were born and My youngest neice turned 7 in april)

My mom keeps telling me never to touch a Ouija bored. I'm usually all "whatever" to her.

yeah there is a website called peteranswers.com and i thought that spirits were real because he said bloody-mary(not the drink) was gonna kill me and he knows my name(Ella)the color of my eyes(dark green)and my best friends name(celine)but my brother chris got into the script and to prove that it wasn't real.and it isnt real.
Yea I've tried that site before but He only says, I refuse to answer. Dang.

You 'know what you're doing'.. :/

I have an Ouija board that I haven't used in a while. Nothing has ever happened that I could believe it was an evil spirit, or even a spirit at all.

Although I do think my basement may be haunted, I'm exactly into that kind of stuff.

Whats an Ouja Board?Anyway, I was alone Closing my eyes and mt arms were just beside me.I opened it and they were on the wall....I never saw the spirit, though.

An Ouija board is a board with letters, numbers, yes, and no written on it, and a glass or cursor or something that a spirit apparently moves to spell out or answer questions you ask it.

I haven't used an Ouija, and I don't feel the need to. There are simpler ways to contact the spirits in a certain place. I don't need to open a 'portal' to do so. It would be fun to be more specific about it, like actual, visible contact with the board, but I think things like EVP are safer. Ouija would be a fun alternative, but I don't know whether or not I should try. But I will decide that on my own later on.

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