Have you ever died in a dream?


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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2008
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NSW, Australia
Most people have dreams and woken up just before they were about to die in them, but have any of you had a dream where you've actually died?

They say that if you die in a dream, you die in real life. That can't be true, because I have died in two of my dreams.

The first dream I died in was last year sometime. I won't go into detail but I was going to the movies with an unknown guy (he was my boyfriend in the dream.) We went and sat at some seats and cuddled, but then the scene changed to a beach and I looked at where the movie screen would have been, but instead, there was a tsunami so tall that I couldn't even see the top of it. I knew I couldn't run, so I cuddled up to my boyfriend until it hit us.

The second time, I was following a suspicious looking man and he planted a bomb in the middle of a store so I went to try and get rid of it before it went off but there were laser things guarding it (like in movies) so I was trying to weave through them but I accidentally stepped on one and everything blew up (including me.)

In both the dreams at the part where I actually died, Everything faded to white and I heard a holy noise.

Well... I don't think I've actually completely DIED in a dream, but this is pretty scary. You'll see. :I

Well, most people have an outside-looking-in perspective when they have "dying" dreams... Like you WATCH yourself get shot. No. I was in my body WHILE I was dying.

I think I had this dream just over a year ago.

All I remember is that it was dark. Not a peaceful darkness, but a suffocating darkness. It was like nothing I've ever felt before, even in the waking world. It felt like this black immense weight was pushing down on me; like I was drowning almost. That lasted for about five minutes? (Which feels like an eternity when you are dreaming, anyway.) I remember crying and sobbing with this terror and panic with in me building. I was more terrified that I've ever been in my life. Then suddenly the weight lifted, and there was a blob of light in front of me, speaking softly with a female voice. (In hindsight I believe it was an angel... of some sort?) It said something like, "It's okay. See you on the other side." Only, instead of being comforted and feeling peaceful like you're supposed to feel before you pass away, I was terrified. I remember thinking that I wasn't ready to die, that there was still so much more ahead of me. Then the planets (in black and white) rushed passed me, and I was just about to enter this bright light, brighter than I've ever seen before.

But just before I hit that light, I woke up. (btw, Sorry if I lost you in the wall of text there. >_>; )

I woke up. I was afraid to go to sleep the rest of the night. I cried and cried. And although I am not supersticious, I was terrified for the rest of that week - that the dream was some sort of premonition, and that I was going to die.

Then I had a breakdown. I NEVER talk to my mom about these things, but we were home alone, silently eating cereal in the diningroom, and she commented that I was awefully quiet and asked if something was wrong. I said no, but then later I told her about the dream (though not in as much detail). She said I couldn't be dying, because I was terrified to die, and you are supposed to feel peaceful.

Quite obviously, I still remember that dream in exact detail. It was aweful, because the emotions... they were so real; so frightening.


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I got beat up many times.. injured many times..

One time my mom shot herself and I went to a carnival xD (in a dream)

iv drowned in a dream, got stuck in a car going off a bridge over water in a dream and i could get out in time, iv been burned alive in a dream, and one time i couldnt remeber the dream i had, but i woke up with my hands around my throat & i had left scratch marks and finger prints.

i dont even know, man /:

Of course.

I think it's ridiculous that people think that when you die in dreams that you die in real life, because I've died in several times and just dreaming somehting doesn't always make it real.

I'll do something recent.

I was at my friend's house. We were in her back year, which is really big and fenced in and has a hill towards the end and it's just pretty massive in general. We were outside, doing something, at thetop of the hill, and rain started beating down on us. We both started laughing and we bolted inside. We heard crashes of thunder ouside, and the power went out. So we went out and sat on the back doorstep with our feet hanging out in the rain. We were laughing and talking over the thunder, but a flash of light temporarilly blinded me, and I heard a tree at the side of her yard give a sickening crack. My friend stood up quickly and jumped backwards, but I didn't; I wasn't sure what was going on until I felt a terrible, immeadiate pain in my side, and I couldn't stand up, and there was something heavy hurting my chest. My friend screamed. She recovered, and though it only took a few seconds, it felt like forever. She knew not to move someoen that possibly had a back injury, so she hauled the tree off of me, but she had to roll it down over my legs and across my feet, adding to it, but better than leaving it on me. I couldn't move, I couldn't see, it was terrifying. My face was still partially under the overhang, so she stood in front of me so I was sheilded completely. I felt her reach into my pocket, pull out my phone, and call who I assumed was 911. She sounded panicked, and I could hear she was crying. She stayed on the phone with the operator, when there was a clicking towardsthe front door, because her kitchen is the only thing betweent he front and back door. Two people walked in, and they were her parents. Her mom called her name, and rushed towards us. Her dad whispered "Oh no.." and asked if she'd called Emergency yet, and she said they were on the line. He took the phone and started talking to the operator, and her mom came back with an umbrella that she held above me as she also held my friend. We heard the sirens getting closer, I heard her mom whispering, repeting her name, I heard her dad still panickedly talking to the person on the phone, I heard the thunder still roaring above us.

And then everything was calmer.

I wasn't hurt any more. Nothing hurt. I wasn't worried, panicked, angry, or upset for my own life any more. I wasn't cold and I wasn't wet and I was fine.

But I was across the yard from them, standing on the top of the hill, looking at them, looking at my body.

Her father went round to the front to open the door for the paramedics, who rushed in. They ran towards my body, and one took the pulse of my neck while the other took the pulse of my wrist.

They looked up at my friend's father.

One of them whispered; "She's gone."

And my friend started crying harder, her mother held her tighter, and her father looked up at the rain.

And I started walking away.

So, yeah.

Me and my friends went to the Grand Canyon for a field trip. Me and my closest friends decided to get VERY close to the edge of it. I tripped over a rock or something then I fell in. It took about 2 minutes for me to touch the ground which was very odd. When I died, I experienced the same feeling as you did. I felt like I was flying into the sky and I was going into a white tunnel. A really awkward opera was greeting me to Heaven or something. o_o'

I was woken up by my alarm clock and the whole morning I was seeing things. Talk about yur' adrenaline rush.

I always have this dream yearly.

We go to some department store, and I stay in the car. Suddenly, the car starts moving, so I jump into the front seat to break. The break is like the gas, and I move foreward. When I press the actual gas, I go faster. The wheel turns on it's own, and I drive straight for a bridge. When I open the door, nothing happens. I flew off the edge, and crashed into a river that had been polluted with hazardous waste. I get posioned and die instantly. Once I'm dead, I wake up very soon.

I always wake up before I die.

Sometimes I get ingured am I'm dieing then the dream will change to sometime different and totally random.

I don't think I had any, but in one dream we were on a bridge then we had to walk across this thin railing right over the ocean to get to the other side. I had quite some dreams like this, except sometimes I would be hanging off a building looking directly at the bridge, or I would be on a plank over the ocean. Once I was on a giant ring over the ocean, which really freaked me out. Once I fell in the water, but I woke up before I hit it.

Many, many times. The most recent one:

I was sitting in class. Everyone had these metal scissors, like the old fashioned ones. They were all cutting this fabric material, and laughing and talking like always. I had them too, but I wasn't doing the work, I was screwing around with the scissors, kind of flipping them between my fingers. Then, I made a mistake, and the blade slipped down my palm, down my wrist-- Slitting it open. Blood was pouring out, way more than a normal person would. It covered my clothing, the desk, the floor, everywhere. People started turning, and staring at me. Then, everything I could see was shaking, getting all blurry. I could hear a really high-pitched noise, then everything was white. I felt absolutely numb. And then I woke up.

There are others, I'll tell you later.

I have alot. I dont know why, but it seems like every two weeks or so, my imagination makes up a new one. The most recent one (About 3 days ago I believe) is one of the calmest ones I've had. Well, it was only calm because it was short and the way it ended.

It was like everything was floating on its own cloud. I had my own cloud, along with some canopy bed. I have no clue who's it was, because I dont know anyone who has one. Anyways, I was laying on the bed, watching what was happening on the other cloud. I was watching my own death.

On the cloud I was watching, I was sleeping (also in the same canopy bed).

Someone (I couldnt see their face, it was to dark) was watching me sleep. The whole scene was dark. Then, I remember seeing something gray reflect off of some light. I dont know how, but I just knew it was a knife. The person walked up and stabed 'me'. On the cloud I was on, I tried to get up to help myself on the other cloud (confusing right?), but I couldnt move. It was like some invisible force was holding me down. So I sat there, watching 'myself' struggle to live. Then the person wrapped me up in sheets and pushed 'me' off of the bed.

THEN, the cloud and bed I (The real me) was on disappeared. I began to fall somewhere endless. For some reason, I wasnt scared. It was like I was attached to a parachute or something. I was totally calm. When I finally saw the ground, I woke up before I hit it.

It probably doesnt sound that calm, but it was compared to some of my dreams. Sorry if I confused you with the whole 'Two me's" or whatever xD


Mikey stabbed me for 'not being good enough'.

That's all I saw before I woke up crying and screaming.


Nope. Never.

But once, only once, I got beaten up and scratched by random dingos that somehow got into my room, and ran up to me. So incredibly creepy.

I've had plenty of nightmares too. Just not where I die.

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