Have you ever dreamt


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Yes. Too many times, or pregnacy dreams. Like gawd. D:

Joe Jonas? xD I had a dream I married Christian Siriano [Don't tell paper*cut. OwO]


*Goes to PM Paper*cut*


Yes... Joe Jonas... <3

Nope. I don't dream very often.

Marriage doesn't seem like something that'll be a part of my future. o.x

I've had several dreams of marrying and having kids with Daron Malakian <33

Well, I have had a pregnancy dream once. And I had no idea who the father was. Weird x.x

I also had a dream that my boyfriend was getting married to a blonde girl from Russia. I woke up all jealous and upset, then realised it was a dream and went all ._.

^Ughh. It's those dreams that make you wake up and be like... "??wha??"


I had a dream that I married Ryan Ross [ even though, I`m not really like that ]. That is when Brendon Urie became heart broken because he was going to propose to him the day after. Soon he secretly tried to kill me several times by trying to chainsaw me in his chainsaw chamber behind Ryan`s back. He then finally killed me and Ryan found my body in a guitar case. He freaked out and ran off to England to go 'find himself'. Brendon was sent to a asylum. AND Jon and Spencer were on a honey moon at the moment.

Pretty amazing at what my mind is like, right?


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I had a dream where I was an ant and I married another ant in the ant kingdom and I became the ant queen. I also got pregnant and gave birth to 3 baby ants. The next day (in my dream), humans invaded and my kids got killed. Then I woke up and was like ''Im a mum??''.

Oh, those scary dreams...


I have dreams that I am married.

I had a dream that me and my friend got pregnant (to different guys) and were taking pregnancy tests without our mum's finding out.


I woke up and was like "OMG.. What the...??"

Marriage never seems to cross my dreaming mind. I dream about things like fluffy bunnies fighting with big porcupines over carriage seats and being chased by an enormous cartoon crab around a hill-shaped beach.

My dreams are never as simple as 'I am married to someone,' they are always...strange.

In my dream, I volunteer for something I don't know what is its, but I volunteered anyways. It turned out I volunteered to be in an arranged marriage to William Beckett, but he was 19, bi***y and a normal kid in my dream. So like, his parents are arranging a marriage, and then get this, I tried to refuse. I then realized that I had volunteered to marry William Beckett and that there was no backing out, so we got married. Both of us threw bitchfits, then it was like “Well whatever. I’m so not having sex with you William Beckett.” And he was like, “Good, cause you’re not a boy.” So then we drove down a muddy dirt road (Seriously, I don’t even know.) on a gold cart and super fast, giant crocodiles chased us. Then suddenly we were at a movie theater that was entirely purple, so we sit down and have popcorn. Suddenly, we are no longer disgruntled non-voluntary spouses, but friends who happen to be married and we’re going on and on about the cute guy in the movie. Then the couple in front of us disappear and William screams, “It’s a monster!” So we pull our feet up off the floor and somehow that saves is and it is like nothing happened. I go and get more popcorn and when I get back his hair is shorter, but it doesn’t faze me. We jump around, throwing popcorn at the other patrons, who don’t seem to notice, and then some Mexican police drive a truck into the theatre and we get up and run. Then we appear in a golf course driving our little gold cart and we run over a baby crocodile. The police and giant crocodiles of doom are chasing us and we drive into a sand track and then shoot up into the air and land in the water hazard. Then William goes, “Help me, I can’t swim in jelly!” and suddenly the water turns into cherry jelly and he starts drowning. Some cute male lifeguard jumps in to save him and I swim out, then they start kissing and I realize that it is Gabe! So I am just watching like it is some vaguely interesting TV show and then suddenly Gabe turns into a police man and William screams. This crocodile starts running towards us, so we jump back onto the jelly and suddenly William is on a surfboard.

Then I woke up.

I had a dream where I was an ant and I married another ant in the ant kingdom and I became the ant queen. I also got pregnant and gave birth to 3 baby ants. The next day (in my dream), humans invaded and my kids got killed. Then I woke up and was like ''Im a mum??''.
Oh, those scary dreams...

I dont have them sort of dreams. I have dreams that I date my crushes though not marry x3 and pregnant dreams Lol. I cant imagine me pregnant yet Lol.

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