Have you ever gotton an...INJURY?!


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Have you ever gotton an Injury?

  • Yes, I've had lots of serious Injury's

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  • I've only had a serious Injury once or a few times before.

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  • I've only had minor Injury's.

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  • I've never had an Injury at all. o.o

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Anime girl

Well-known member
Dec 27, 2005
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In Canada~ Ruling the world. >:O
Have you ever had a minor or serious injury?

I usually only get minor ones. Like knee scraps, arm scraps, etc.

But I've actually never had my arm or leg broken or anything like that before.


What about you?

I cracked my wrist last year.

It HURT. The teacher was all like 'it's gonna be fine' and the office said 'it's gonna be fine' but did I show them when I came back to school with a cast!

It was funny to see their faces. The girl who stepped on my arm (which caused it to crack) didn't even apoligize. <.<

I cracked my wrist last year.It HURT. The teacher was all like 'it's gonna be fine' and the office said 'it's gonna be fine' but did I show them when I came back to school with a cast!

It was funny to see their faces. The girl who stepped on my arm (which caused it to crack) didn't even apoligize. <.<
O.O Ouch! That would hurt!!

Lol if that happened to me I would be balling my eyes out.

I never got any bad injuries. Except one time, in 3rd grade, it was recess. My friend was going down the slide in front of me, but she pulled me down when I wasn't looking. My face slammed the side of the slide, my glasses scraped into my head, and I started gushing blood. lol, It didn't even hurt that bad!

Matchy :blink:

I never got any bad injuries. Except one time, in 3rd grade, it was recess. My friend was going down the slide in front of me, but she pulled me down when I wasn't looking. My face slammed the side of the slide, my glasses scraped into my head, and I started gushing blood. lol, It didn't even hurt that bad!
Matchy :blink:
O.O...You were gushing blood and it didn't HURT?!

Thats awesome..xD

I haven't gotten any really serious injuries. I think my most serious injury was when I got my big toe nail completely cracked down the middle, and later ripped all the way off.

I get tons of scrapes and bruises and stuff. I usually manage to get cut at least once a week.

Lol if that happened to me I would be balling my eyes out.
Agreed, so would i XD

Lets see, i *counts injuries* broke my Arm, Leg, Toe. Plus i Had at least 1 concussions, and The other day, (last week) i Tore the Nail of my baby toe. lets just say i didnt go to school that day, i almost fainted when it happend. (...there was blood, and not a tiny bit either. the amount was about as big as my big toe, and thats alot for me.)

Pain is Fun...XD

I dislocated my wrist by running slowly to the car and falling and doing like a tumble roll! It was hurting so badly and my dad was yelling at me at the time, so didn't help. :3

Um..uh..I remeber an ingrown nail in my finger. It was all purple and red. :mimitchi: I don't know if that counts as an injury though.

[SIZE=10pt]Yeah. I remember one time when my friend pushed me and I fell on concrete. My skin was torn and I had cuts everywhere. x.x I was in pain for 2 weeks.[/SIZE]


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i was at my ex-friends house and we were in the shed and for a joke they ran out and blocked the door. i was really scared and i tripped over somthing and my hand went through the window. eek! bloooodddd


i nearly broken my neck!

a ligament in my neck inverted and i was

in a neck brace for 4 weeks


i also have to get knee surgery soon ...

ive broken my arm

sprained my wrist and both ankles too

Not really.

I'm extra careful with myself.

Although I got eye surgery once. I don't think that counts as an injury. . .^^"

Well, I broke my leg and almost drowned when I was three, I was going down a water slide when the force was so strong It flung me into the air and when I hit the bottom of the pool my lower leg snapped.

Another time I was on the monkey bars and I fell off (due to greasy hands) and landed flat on my back.

I was paralized for like, 2 hours. I would have cried, but I couldn't talk! I had the wind knocked out of me.

Ouch. Some of your injuries sound quite painful. X.X

I'm glad everyone's wasn't too serious, though.

Me? I've been lucky. Not yet.


oooww... dont ask me.


to many. i get hurt alot, about ever day, i got cuts all over,


ok well 1 time i got this big cut on my nee REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD, IT WAS CUT OPEN, AND REALLY DEEP, blood ever where!


and i got in a bike crash,

never ever!! ASK ME about that!! it was the worst thing ever.

dont even pm me about it, it was the worst thing im lucky to be alive.

i dont have a clue what heppend, i dont know at all,


i cant remember much any more, cuz of it, not even what happend.


all i know is i was raceing my best friend to my house, and then i was amost there, and BOOM what happend? i DONT know,

im not saying any more. OOW!! blood! every where, i got hurt more, but im not talking about it.


ow. blood.

sumetimes. theres. ony. hope.

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