Have you ever lost a nail?


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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2006
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In a cardboard Box
Have you ever lost a finger nail or toe nail? O-o

I just did, my pinky toe nail.

Is this okay?! Will it grow back?! (ewwie it looks ugly..)

have you ever lost a nail?

did it grow back, and if did.. in how long did it take?

I'm scared..

I did, on my big toe. First it got cracked all the way down the middle and then half of it fell off. It hurt and bled a ton. I would say that it took about a year and a half to fully recover, but a little toe probably won't take as much time.

No, thank God!

I broken a lot though :p My aunt lost her toenail three years ago,but it grew back ;)

okay, lol i am releived to hear it grows back xD

i dunno how i broke it, or it fell off though..

i just looked at it and it was hanging, looking all gross.

Most of my right pinkie toe is gone because I kept stubbing it on the furniture and edges of the walls XD

It's growing back though, but its still got a crack right through the middle ;)


I've lost accrylic nails, but never actual nails.

I can't imagine a pinky toe nail would take too long.

My pinky toes don't even look like they have nails at all o.o' They're so tiny.

Ew, I hate remembering XS. I slammed the car door shut on my finger and pulled it out. The nail came off my finger completely. There was a tiny bit left, so it started growing again. It took ages to grow back, somewhere around 4 months.


My friend lost one of his fingernail, (On my birthday as well!!! xD) but it grew back 6 months later, so lil' toe should be okay!

I lost a nail on my foot. I don't remember how, but I remember that it bled a lot, and I don't recommend touching it. It will grow back in a few weeks, though. ;)

AAAAGH!!!! omg omg what's underneath it!!!! is it like all bloody or something???? AAAAA!!!!
well good luck growing it back then...
For the first while after it comes off it would be like raw skin, after it started healing it would just be skin.

i feel like make a documentary about this XD

wow.. "Growing Pinky Toe Nails"

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