Have you ever lost a parent?


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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2007
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Have you ever lost a parent? Like they died?


I know its not poliet to ask but I just want to know.


Also because I don't have dad and want to see who else doesn't have those people.

My dad died about four months ago of cancer. I hate when people say "I understand, my grandpa died.." They do not understand. It is so different. I cry about him a lot...sonetimes I dream about him....and sometimes I find my mom crying alone, looking at a picture of him or soething. It has really affected my family, and my life. For four months we knew that he could die any day. No words can describe how hard that was...Coming home every day from school asking "Is dad alive?" Thankfully, I never had to hear mom say "no.." I watched him die. And now I am more grumpy, irratable, dramatic..ugh! I hate it! I miss him so much. :) :) :) :)

My friend doesn't have a mom. She never talks about it either.


And I hate when people make fun of you about it.


"I cant go to the fathers day dance i dont have a dad!"


D: Its evil.


And mine died of sarcoma. o_O

Unfortunately, I don't, but I don't think I'd mind if I do because I'm not close to my dad. It's my Grandmother I'm the closest too, my Aunt Ray died a few weeks ago from roaming cancer...

I loved her, she was so nice and caring, whever I'd she her, she'd be:

"Hi Zoria! How are you?" She was real nice, it pained me alot to lose her, sometimes I lock myself up in my room and cry about her..

not my dad but my grandma and i know i know it does not seem as sad cuz its a grandma but it was the most sad moment of my life cuz my grandma lived with me she lived in my room and she was like a mom, she was so sweet and she had cancer :) (she lived at my house cuz she was poor and homless :) ) she told me how to speak spanish but one day when i was at my friends sleep over i got a phone call saying she died :) i just wish i could hear her voice again :)

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I lost my Dad. Three years ago (He died May 16 2004). I was Really Close to my dad (He was pretty much my best friend), He died of a Massive heart Attack/Stroke/Plus Cancer. One minute He was sitting at the kitchen table about to eat supper, The next, He Died right there. (My mind always replays that Scene Over in my head Almost everyday. He's sitting down on the chair, Then he just...falls on the floor) When i found out he died i cried my eyes out, But at the Funeral i never cried at all. I miss him dearly, But I've Accepted the fact that he's gone, I still cry occasionally (when no one is around) but other than that, I'm okay.

Nothing can compare to if you lose a parent. I lost a grandma, and I pray everyday that I don't lose my mom or dad. I am sorry for all TT-ers that have lost a parent.

My grandma had very aggressive breast cancer. I saw her 3 days before she died and I cried for weeks. I was actually never that close to her. Again I am sorry for

Anyone who has lost anyloved one I am sorry.

I lost my grandmother, and I know its not the same. But what kills me is to see how my mom reacted. On mothers day my mom sat in her room crying all day, she was in pain of not having a mother for mothersday. And I didn't even know my grandma, but I know we called her Gigi. We called her gigi because when she was a preschool teacher, a kid could not pronounce her name and so he called her Gigi. I loved her, but it was a distant love. Since I never knew her, but my aunt told me that she knew everything about me and my brother.For instance, she knew I had a dance rectal the day she died, she knew everything. She cared. She died the day of my dance recital, and so after the recital we drove to Arkansas for the funeral. I remember going to her house, and my dance pictures where sitting on the coffee table, as if she had been looking at them before she died. We think she died of a blood clot or something or other. It kills me to see my uncle Danny, Aunt Kathy, Aunt Linda, and so many others including my mom in pain. My mom has dreams about her every night, and one time it was that her mom was talking to her, and she said, "I went to here." and she drew a picture and showed it to my mom, and it was of Hell. It kills me, my mom will wake up sweating, from a dream about her mom.


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TT101 && Broken~Wings,


I can realate to that too. My great-grandma, who I was closed to died randomly in a street. O_O


But I realize theres nothing you can do~

My great-grandpa died too. I was close to him.

I never met my dad. My mum told me he lived in a different country and moved back there when I was born. I really don't believe her, because when I asked her what happened to my dad, she looked like she was trying to generate an answer, quickly.

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I never met my dad. My mum told me he lived in a different country and moved back there when I was born. I really don't believe her, because when I asked her what happened to my dad, she looked like she was trying to generate an answer, quickly.
So she hasnt told you the truth about what happened to your dad? Thats sad. I'm lucky as I still have my parents but I do feel really upset when I hear about other parentd. :D

So she hasnt told you the truth about what happened to your dad? Thats sad. I'm lucky as I still have my parents but I do feel really upset when I hear about other parentd. :furawatchi:
She says that's the truth, but I don't believe her.

My friend recently lost her mom. I walked into the classroom, her closest friend crying. When she was 2, Her dad died, and her mom was about to remarry. She has to stay with her gramparents Untill She can live with the man her mom was going to marry. My BFFL olivia Lost her dad, But her bilogical one in russia, she is adopted, so her real dad died. But she still has a mom and dad

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wow all of these storys are so sad i know my grandma story (look up) dos not compare im happy i still have my parents the closest i came to experiancing that pain was my grandmas death(scroll up for the story) and the dream i had were my dad went out for a drink with his friends and when they drove home his friend who was drunk, drove them and got them into a car crash.. when i woke up my mom told me that my dad went out for a drink with his friends and was late home :p i was so scared i'd lose him i cried until he got home :)

hope those of u whose parents are gone feel better

I haven't lost a parent but my friend has. His mom died about a year after he was born. She died from cancer. His older sister also died of cancer around the time his mom did. His dad doesn't live with them and they only see him once a week. So almost his whole life he and his other sister were raised by their grandparents. He doesn't like to talk about his mom that much.


Both of my parents are there for me. I have a story for you, however.

My mom's first marriage didn't work out too well. She loved her husband but they weren't meant to be together. Her first child, my stepbrother, was diagnosed with a mental ilness that makes him unable to function in normal society.

My stepfather, his father, was going to force my mom to put him up for adoption or in an orphanage. So they split up, and she took my stepbrother with her.

The thing that scares me more is that if I were to have a child with a mental ilness like the one my brother has, I would probably put the child up for adoption. I'm not strong enough to raise a child like that.

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I lost my father from complications and such of Crohn's Disease back when I was about 10 and a half. It'll be 11 years this November since it happened.

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