Have you ever. . ?


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Well-known member
May 30, 2006
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Have you ever had a crush on somebody over the internet? As in, say, you met somebody over TamaTalk, and their personality just kind of caught you. And the next thing you know, you're madly in love with somebody hundreds of miles away that you've never even met.

I have, twice. In fact, I do right now. I don't think it's healthy, so I was wondering if I'm the only one out there. o_o;

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I thought someone was 'hot', but no.
If you like someone a lot over the net, NEVER plan to meet them. It could end up... bad.
Thats right i have never ever fallen in love with sombody on the internet i think the last bit she saud was right

There's a fair amount of people I've thought had decent personalities. Otherwise..

I thought I had a crush on somebody over the internet I think once. :huh: [it wasn't on TamaTalk, though.]

Then I figured out he went to my school, and I vowed never to fall in virtual love again because that freaked me out so bad. xD But I did get to know him a lot better, actually. :huh:

I had neopets 'boyfriend' a few years back. Really I just wanted him to send me a bunch of iteams for nothing! xDDD

I've never crushed on someone- I have alot of awesome friends on here though.

I've made a lot of great friends on the net but no I haven't fallen in love with them. Oh yeah as tamtamkitty07 said, DON'T PLAN TO MEET THEM!! They could be axe murderers for all you know!

No, but I do have a very good friend on TamaTalk. He's been my best friend since he first joined. me and him are besties. (Soz, I just had to say that. xD) And that person is Locky458. We are very good friends, but I've never felt like I've had a crush on him or anything. xD

.....Yes. :mellow: It absolutely humiliates me to admit it, but I used to be like, OBSESSED with this guy I knew on a forum. I thought about him all the time. I still do a little. xD Actually, I've never had stronger feelings for anyone, but I don't plan to marry him or anything. xD


I've found some really good friends, though.

The thing to do is be careful. Don't live in fear, but be careful and be prepared. The thing to remember that if you want to meet someone on the internet, bring a parent with you, bring a phone, tell people where you're going, etc. You don't need to give them your address, meet at a public place with a lot of people around, etc.

No, I've never had a crush on someone over the internet. You never know who or what is on the other side of the computer screen. For all you know the fifteen year old boy your talking to could be a 11 year old kid or that 14 year old girl you're good friends with could be a woman in her 30s. Try to talk to more people in real life. And never, ever meet up with a person you know only via the internet without an adult.

I'll admit it. >.<

I actually once did.

It was a huge mistake.

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I did but then I fund out it was a girl! >_< What?! It was almost impossible to tel it was a girl! Almost non eo fht eother members onn that site knew either!

on habbo i used to marry random people that i just went up to them and asked "wanna get married?" just to have their furni XD XD but I was 10! *slaps self*

Not really. But once I heard this girl had this virtual boyfriend and he asked her "do you wanna meet in real life?" and she said "OK" and they met somewhere. Turns out, the guy was a cop, checking to see if anybody was stupid enough to actually do that. But It's ok if its one of your friends THAT YOU KNOW IN REAL LIFE AND HAVE MET and you set up a play date or something. Like in the case of the girl, the guy was a stranger she had never REALLY met.

be atracted to them all u want but NEVR EVER EVR EVER EVER EVER meet them in person nomater how sweet and funny they may seem because a number of things can happen:

1. you could meet them and they end up killing u.

2. U could meet them and they could kidnap u.

3. you could meet then and i turns out they are not the same age they said they were (like if ur a kid and he says he is a kid but he turns out to be an adult)

4. you could meet them and they are not even the same gender they said they were!! (EWW)

there ARE people out there who will try to make u think they are OK but they are not. A LOT of people are tricky like that.

I haven't been ''madly in love'' (I don't think a relationship could ever work out over the internet) but I have had a small crush on a TT member in the past. The good thing about is forming online crushes, is that you develop a skill to like people for their personality; online, you cant see faces.

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