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Same here; once I heard this scratching and it seemed to be coming from my closet but really it's just some sound some metal used in constructing the house makes when moved or something. The noises are always house noises so they don't worry me.

But ghost stories and alien abduction stories scare me outta my pants!

I've been hearing voices lately such as saying "Hello". My parents think I'm insane. I just don't tell many people about this though. It's been happening since I was 5..................

Meh, I don't believe in ghosts.

When I'm home alone, it's all quite and I hear noises that I don't normally hear. The first time I was home alone, I heard the ticking of the kitchen clock for the first time. I freaked out, and thought that someone had snuck in and stuck a bomb in my house!! It was all in my head, though. Thank goodness. *breathes sigh of relief*

I dunno what to tell you. I've never been put in a situation like that before. If your parents don't believe you, try talking to a school guidance counselor or a family physition (sp?).

I hope things get better!


I can hear spirits when they make noises and talk to me. It's like I'm a medium. O.O

My Mum says I might've picked it up from her. She said when her Grandma died, she talked to her and she was about 5-7, I think. And she was not scared one bit.

I got freaked when someone kept saying my name while I was in the living room and when I asked everyone if they called me, they all said no. O.O and that was a week after Papa died. (Grandpa.)


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