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Yes in the 8th grade and we had this super hard test on it XP it was horrible.

But it was pretty cool. My lab partner couldn't really cut anything so I had to do everything ahah

My friend called hers "Martyr"


Yes, last year we dissected cow eyes and chicken wings. We've also dissected something else before, but I can't remember what it was.

[SIZE=7pt]Yes, I had to dig the chocolate chips out of a cookie. ;) [/SIZE]

Seriously, I haven't. I'd be too scared.

I dissected a frog once, but then I couldn't handle it. Poor little frogs, being taken out of their habitat to be dissected. ;)

we've done:a pig

a rat

a frog

a squid

and next year we do le gato (which is a cat)

I love it much ^^
noooo. eewwwww AND i would refuse.

cats are my dingnity!


I disected a frog online for science class one day. It was just a fun activity

The only thing I've dissected is an owl pellet. Found a bunch of bones. It was awesome.

I would love to dissect an animal though. I think that next year in science we get dissect frogs or something.

It would be awesome for me because I want to be a surgeon when I grow up. xD


Thankfully, I missed disecting the cow eye in second grade. Dodged a bullet there...

In fifth grade, disected a cow lung. That was actually fun, somehow.

Sixth grade, I disected a cow heart, which I thought was absolutely nasty.

I'm against dissection. :p


The only time I had to dissect something was last year in science class when they wanted us to dissect a cow heart(at least that is what I think it was).

I hated it.

It smelled and was disgusting. x-x;;

On the last week of school my Biology class disected a frog. It was pretty gross. And it smelled awwful. In 4th grade I desiected an owl's pellett.

lol. the only thing ive ever dissected was a owl pellet, so i guess that doesnt count

I discected a rat the last real week of school in biology.

It was epic.

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