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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
Have you ever...kind of knew something was coming? Like a premonition of some sort? Like you have that feeling in your gut like all of a sudden you randomly wanna do something then like a week later it benefeits you greatly? It's happened to me kind of a lot. Once I thought i did have a premonition because on the day of homecoming dance, i all of a sudden just pictured myself outside crying then at the end of the night i was outside and like almost at the crying point o.o I was freaked out, has anything like this happened to you?

yeah a guy at my school was holding flower on valantins day and i just knew he was going to give them to me and he did XD


Can't remember any examples, but I can predict the future, mostly with meerkats or dragon cave (see sig)

Yea like when I was dating my ex bf I saw him walk up to me and I knew he was going to hug and kiss me on the lips and he did -^^-. :eek: * sigh * XD.

Sometimes I do something, and I think I did before. o.o

Cecib :D

Yeah. I have supernatural powers. :p
This normally happens with dudes, I can predict if they're going to ask me out or not, and I can also tell who likes me. :D
Same here :p

I definitely know the feeling. Mine mainly come in the form of dreaming a VERY specific event, location, or creature...I mean specific down to the weave pattern in a person's clothes...and then finding myself in that situation/at that locarion/with that person/encountering that creature YEARS down the road. It has happened to me throughout my life thus far, and the highly detailed nature of the dreams make them, IMO, much more than just a coincidence.

It can be an apparrently hereditary thing. My Mom's side of the family has several individuals(all women) who have experienced some form of this. I realize that there are plenty of people who think this stuff is crazy, but we are all entitled to our opinions. :D

I can always tell when my name is about to be called in class. It annoys me, actually, because that means I really need to pay attention in order to do it..

^So do I. I can sense my teacher's eyes scanning the classroom and holding down on me, and then they shout out my name and ask me whatever the question is. It's annoying because they always ask about stuff I don't know.

Yep. I was sitting in the movie theatre and predicted ever event in the movie and it all happened!

And I had a dream my Aunt who i'd never met but knew of got breast cancer and 3 weeks later she got diagnosed with it. TT_TT

No offense, but I think you all aren't really getting my topic. I mean like serious things. Not like dates or anything, but things like what Aubrey Hepburn said [scroll up]

Sometimes my dreams reflect on what will happen...

Of course, my dreams are usually crazy but...in some way, it predicts the future at times.

For example, one night before the summer I had a dream I was dancing with someone unknown...I oculd only see the back of them. Then it flashed to an image of the sun, and then to water, and then back to us dancing.

Then, that summer, me and my crush danced ALOT, and we were always hanging out at the park, running through the sprinklers and getting sunburned.

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