have you had braces?


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Yup, I have them. For two years there stay in my mouth xP

I bent a wire before and i almost did again but i was freaking out so i fixed it myself 83

I actually just had a big blow-up with my parents over braces last night.
My dad refused to get braces as a kid, and seriously regretted it as an adult. He finally got braces when he was thirty-seven years old, and they seriously messed up his teeth. They all shifted back after he got the braces off, and because of the shifting, he had to get a ton of root canals. He still has problems with his teeth, and he's forty-five now.

So obviously he thinks I should get braces sooner rather than later, and if I want them, I got them.

My mom... I really don't know what her problem was. She was convinced I was "making it all up" and that I never stop asking and I want braces just because everyone else has them. Um, excuse me? Getting braces would be like, a nightmare for me, thankyouverymuch. And I do not make things up.

This got my parents into a screaming match, and then they started yelling about why they even got married in the first place. All over me asking a few questions about crooked teeth and braces. Not asking FOR them, asking ABOUT them. My goodness. :I

My teeth aren't that bad. There are two that are symmetrical in the front of my mouth, and a bit pointy, but that's absolutely it. My dad said though that he wants me to be 100% confident with my teeth so I don't change my mind when I'm older like him.
Oh wow.

Did your dad get any type of retainer at all?

After braces are removed, the teeth are VERY prone to shift. As you may know, braces put a great amount of pressure onto the teeth, and when removed, leave them extremely loose and very prone to shifting. That is why wearing a retainer is so important after removal. Even if you have to wear permanent retainers on the top and bottom front teeth for the rest of your life and a clear plastic one at night for many years, like I do. :p

Of course, there are many kind of retainer options out there, but if your dad didn't get a retainer, I'd definitely want to rethink going to that particular orthodontist. :)

No braces for me. But I think I need them. All my new teeth are growing crooked and it's IMPOSSIBLE for me to make my teeth close without another tooth butting in and everything. it HURTS. >.<

I don't wear braces. If I did the colours on them would be pink and green lol.

Haven't had braces yet but when I went to the dentist she said I'll need them. I think so too because my mouth is so crowded one of my teeth grew inwards instead of up.

xDD I hate them with a passion too!
And those rubber bands they make you wear are sooo annoying. Dx
Rubber bands are torture!!!! I hate them too!

This is my second time having braces... I have to get braces twice and retainers three times because I have "two stages" or something....I've already had the retainers twice (one time with an expander) and I'm about to get my braces off! Then I'll get my last retainers and after that, I'm free forever! After 4 years of orthodontic-ness! xD

i have braces


but it really doesnt matter atleast theyre doing

something instead of just siting around there

on your teeth enjoying the view.

at the first days they really didnt hurt me, but after like a week or so pain started to come :[

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