Have your sibling taken a bite out of you?


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2009
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My sibling(Emberwing) has. Many,many times.

Her most recent prank on me was to try to take the chair away from me.

That joke easily backfired when I got clobbered in the head by accident. It still hurts. :p :p :p

So, have your sibling/s done a prank for you?

When I saw the title I thought you meant literally 'bite' xD But yes, my sister bit me before :\

My sister's pranks are just lame, though. It's simple. Pulling my hair, making my food too spicy until I can't eat it, etc. My revenge? I just hit her and that sends her crying. She doesn't learn though... I could hit harder, but I won't cause she'll tell mom and then I'm in trouble D: She likes to scratch me like a cat, and her nails are very sharp indeed :\ I scratch her back, but it doesn't hurt at all...

Lol I also thought you ment been bitten I have not just by siblings friends to.

Um no 2 of my sibs are too young and the other (same age as me) hasn't don't think he can.

No not really.

My Oldest Brother, Steve, is more like a father/uncle figure. He'll be 34 this year.

My Sister, Jamie, is more like a Mother/Aunt figure. She'll be 32 this year

As for Dale though, My stupid 19 year old idiot brother, He irritates the heck out of me.

I usually end up slapping him across the head. I broke his glasses one time.

He's constantly saying "Oh look at me i'm over 18 i'm an adult!" And I'm constantly reminding him "Shut Up. You're not an adult until you act like one"

None of my siblings have Bitten me before. Witht their teeth.

But when My Brother [The Idiot] was about 2 years old, He would always crawl around and bite people in the ankles.

I don't have any siblings, and I never had another person bite me.

I had a boy on my bus lick my arm in 2nd grade because I stole his friends toy xDD

Edit: Oh a prank..... XD

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I literally thought you actually meant 'bite' as well. :p

Yes, my bro did bite me. :l

And no, I don't remember any pranks he's pulled on me. :I I've pulled a couple on him though, like putting salt in his water, jumping out and yelling "Boo!", that stuff.

Oh, and I've once pulled my best friend's chair out before she sat down, and then plop! xD That was in elementary school though.

no see i have an older sister and well......i did all the bitting :D

my brothers know not to mess with me.

even tho they get on my nerves alot.

but one time it was 7 in da morning i was sleepin, and they knocked on my door and ran upstairs. they kept doing it and laughing so i got a butcher knife and put it in front of my door. they were dumb enuf to do it again, so i beat there a**** with a ping pong paddle.

Nahhh... We're on the same side... Except I bit my cousin once because he was stealing my DS.

my brothers know not to mess with me.
even tho they get on my nerves alot.

but one time it was 7 in da morning i was sleepin, and they knocked on my door and ran upstairs. they kept doing it and laughing so i got a butcher knife and put it in front of my door. they were dumb enuf to do it again, so i beat there a**** with a ping pong paddle.
That sounded like fun. :) Not to your cousins, though! :p

My 8 year old sister and I fight alot. Heaps, it isn't funny.

One morning, she wouldn't wake up.

I started tickling her with my cold hands and then she took off her shirt to get dressed.

I pushed her against her wall, got my camera and started taking pics.


I also thought the title meant literally ''take a bite'' out of your sibling.

Nooooo, my brother has never literally bitten me. I have threataned to though.

His pranks aren't that big. He just interferes with my interweb adventures, goes into toytown (my top bunk) and tries to look at my iPod (and if he saw my songs, I would be dead).

Unfortunately, he's moved out now. Living on his own. Welllll, he is 22. That's quite old, and old enough to have your own house.

My 8 year old sister and I fight alot. Heaps, it isn't funny.
One morning, she wouldn't wake up.

I started tickling her with my cold hands and then she took off her shirt to get dressed.

I pushed her against her wall, got my camera and started taking pics.


Only I didn't take my shirt off. o_o'

It resulted in me fake crying while my mom was walking by and it looked like she was beating me up. My sister is meaaann. LOL

^Is she older? If she's younger, she has some awful domination probs, to be honest.

Nobody should do that to my Mikey x_x

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My brother bit me once. I was 2, and he was 6, and I stole his Thomas toy and he was like "RAWRRRRRRRRRR. -BITE-" and nearly took my flipping head off LOL.

And once he stole all my CD's and I was like, crying and I wouldn't come out of the toilet until he put them all back IN ORDER to my CD rack, and oh, he did. Except he BROKE MY GREEN DAY CD, so I was going off my head swearing at him and stuff. I nearly killed him :)

^Is she older? If she's younger, she has some awful domination probs, to be honest.
Nobody should do that to my Mikey x_x
No. She's older than me.

I think that's the reason why she bullies me all the time. LOL

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