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Oct 30, 2005
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By: ~*+*tamagirl8776*+*~

deadicated to: My friends Brittany Kayla Tori Sarah Jerica Heather Becka Rabeck and my sister and my dad.

note: thankyou guys for always being there when i needed you most you always stuck by my side and never let me forget our friendship yall never let me give up when we were fighting were in 6th grade now and im glad that we are the best of friends and im thankful that you guys help sick up for me.This story is deadicated to you because you are the bestest friends i could ever wish for. I love you guys take care and to all of you out there happy holidays i wish you all a safe christmas and happy honicka (Sorry if i spelled that ronge!!)

hi my name is Hayle Wincefill I live on 412 green acers rode in the tama village. I dont live with my parents any more because i was kicked out. If you want to find out why read this story you should get a pretty good look into my life.

Was born on Christmas Eve of 2005. My mom said i was really small but i was still verry stronge. About an hour after i was born she said that i evoled into a hotodetchi.When i turend a year old i turned into a onichi and started to got to all thease partys i used to sneek out with my friends and we woud go to the old barn back in the woods where there was a party every friday and saterday night. When there started to be drinks at these partys i said no when someone offerd to buy me one. But one night i said sure ill try one. That night i had one after the other. I tried to stop but they were really adicting.When my mom sent me to school for the first time in my life i was scared. One day i met a girl whos name was J.J. She was really sweet. A few weeks later i got my first boyfriend his name was Danny and J.J. got a boyfriend too. His name was Justen. After a couple of weeks we all evolved. I evolved in to a memetchi, Danny evoled into a mametchi , JJ evolved into a hanatchi , and Justin evolved into a mimithci.Afterschool I told Danny , J.J. , and Justin that there was supposed to be a big party down in the abandond barn tonight and i asked them if they would come. They all said yes. That night i told my mom that i was going to J.J.'s and told her if she needed anything to call my cell phone. When we got to the barn Danny and i huged and walked in the barn with JJ and Justin. After about an hour Danny and i decided to got to his and Justins appartment. So i did. My mom said i made the bigest mistake of my life that night. But ack to what i was saying about Danny and Justins appartment. That night i slept with Danny we did the same thing for a couple of weeks. When i thought i was pregnate i told JJ and she said that i needed to take a pregnacy test so i did. Then she asked me who the father was i told her it was Danny and i was almost sure about it but there was this one little bell going off my head i couldnt understand why i didnt think Danny was the father I hadnt slept with anyone else. Well the next day i went to school and tryed the pregnacy test. I was pregnate i was so surrprised. I didnt understand it was only 4 times whats the twist. Well that night Danny asked me to the Bp ( barn party ). I said yea ill go. " Whats your problem?" JJ asked as if she didnt no. " i dont no how to tell Danny..." i said. " Le [Censored] understand its a happy thing you really shouldnt worry about it." " well lets see J i do have something to be worried about..." " whats that le? " " well lets see 1: how do i tell my parents 2: i have a little sister that looks up to me and 3rdly: i could be kicked out of my house i cant go 9 months like this they will figure out when i start getting big!" " good grife le there is no reason to take out your horemonal issuse on me god. what the heak did i do to you?" " im sorry J it this...pregnate thing its got me all worked up about nothing. Ill tell Danny when we go to the appartment tonitght for our " routeen" i jest dont no how he'll take j. Im scared" "le , babe there is no reason to get im your best friend you can stay at my place for a while with me and my sister we have 2 extra rooms so we can set the babys room up." "ok J thanks". when i got home frome school got the phone and diled Dannys number and told him it was gonna be our regular ruteen. That night when we went back to the apartment and started makein out i pushed him off and told him we gotta talk. "bout what babe? Wait here ill be right back" Danny said. when he got back he had a small black box " will you marry me? " he asked as he opened the box. " yes, yes , yes." i said as i kissed him. " now whats your news le?" " well first of all you pick one heak of a moment to propose! and... i dont no how to say this but we have to get married in atleast 3 months." i said " why the rush, le?" " well...we...were...umm...how do i put this im pregnate." i said "thats great but do your parents no?" Danny asked. " NO! and i dont want them to no.I want a small wedding with ONLY friends and really close relitives no one else!!!" i said " yes m'mam " Danny said as if i was a captin in the tp army. a couple days after Danny and i got married i went home and told my parents. ( the conversation)

---------> " IM HOME!" i yelled. " SISSY your HOME yay now we can play dolls like you promaised!" my littele sister alex said as she tried to pull me alonge. " well sis thats not gonna be able to happen. " Where is mom?" i asked " she is in the kitchen on the phone tryin to find you. you been gone for two whole months!!" alex said. i walked into the kitchen right as my mom hung up the phone. " Where the heak have you been" my mom asked. " I've been married and i came back to get my stuff." i replied. " Ohh you think you can jest waltz on in here and grab your stuff and go? Well thats not gonna fly. Your butt is kicked out . Your goin to the tgbc." my mom said. " What the heak is TGBC? i asked. " It's the Tamagotchi Boot Camp." my mom said " Well i got news for you I aint goin because i dont live under you roof any more im outta her . Oh and i couldnt go to boot camp because im pregnate ok. So bye!" i said as i walked tward my room. Alax ran after me and asked if she could go with me i told her in a year she could. I would be 18 in human years and the leagal tama age to take care of your littel brother or sister is 8 ty ( tama years ). a few months later it was December 7th 2005 a day every one remembers Pearl harbor I went into labor. That night i had two baby girls Sarah and Kara. Today they are now adults and have two kids of there own they are alot like me though. And thats what i love.


I hope all of yall liked my story merry christmas and happy holidays to all of you a specail thanks gose out to hartdawnie thanks your and insparation to all of us in tama village.


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