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But it was :mellow: 's evil twin who did it.The real :huh: walked up to the evil twin and asked "What are you doing?"

:blink: was practicing sky diving. :mimitchi: 's evil twin pushed :blink: off a cliff, but :blink: knew what to do. :blink: was safe!

:wacko: said " :mametchi: did it!"

Reason why? She thought :) did it.

"Just tell me the truth. Did you do it?" :blink: said.

"No! I saw what happened. :wacko: pushed you off!" :blink: said.

:blink: finally understanded that :wacko: pushed her off and exploded, and they became friends. (Note: :blink: 's friend is not the evil twin. Another nice tamagotchi that does not have an evil twin, :gozarutchi: killed evil :) .)

Then :gozarutchi: appeared.

"Please help me. The world is in danger and every tama's evil twin is going to kill the nice ones! I defeated one that looks like a flowertchi." :gozarutchi: said.

"We have to help!" ^_^ said bravely.

So they helped.

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They went to eviltamatown where the evil tamas lived.

Evil Tosakatchi and Evil Togetchi were beating up a nice, innocent, Shimashimatchi because Shimashimatchi did not have an evil twin

"I'll show you how to defeat evil tamas." :gozarutchi: whispered softly.

:gozarutchi: attacked and shot Evil Tosakatchi and Evil Togetchi.

They were defeated! YES!

"Why don't you live in Guruguru Town. It has anti Evil shield. It kills all bad people that go near." :D said. So Shimashimatchi safely went to Guruguru Town. And lived happily ever after. But still, they have not finished their quest.

They met up to evil :mametchi: , :p , and :hitodetchi: beating up a :( . :D also does not have an evil twin.

^_^ and :furawatchi: did what :gozarutchi: taught them, and saved :D .

"I want to join your team!" :D said.

Then :D joined nice tamas.

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So they met evil ;) , :nyatchi: , :mimitchi: , and :unsure: beating up nice :wub: .

"Holy ****(Sorry for cursing. I censored it.)! Who is he!?" :furawatchi: said.

Then he tried to shoot :ichigotchi: but missed.

"He must be an evil tama." :mellow: said.

"NO!!! I DID IT!" Yelled an unknown voice.

"He did it?"

"Who did it?"

"What did it?"

"Who did who??"

Whispers were heard. THen suddenly a..................something came out and...

It was Madi2. "MADI2! Spit the evil tamas out You want the story of saving tamaplanet to continue!?" :furawatchi: said. So she did.

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