Heart Candies?


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I got one from my teacher, the whole class did. EVERYONE'S said " Happy Valentines Day" but mine said "Love Him". 0_o A sign? xD Mine would say "Love her" if I gave it to my crush. Teehee.

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i didnt get eney but i ♥ the yellow ones, my friend gave me a yellow haert and i ate it before i got to read it^^

"Best Friends".

I really didn't do anything special with anybody but my friends for V-day. So I would give one to my best friend. ^^

But I've got a funny story about those. xD;

My best friend and I, at her house, were picking the hearts randomly out of a bag and reading off what they said, as a joke. We both pulled out one that said 'Sweetheart', said it at the same time in the exact same way, our eyes got wide, and we both squealed and threw them back in the bag. xDD

if i had my OWN candy heart, it would probbably say fly away


i love you

so original!

i once got a candy heart that said shut up o_O
Hahah. That's what I would want mine to say. That or "Poophead." Hehe. I'd give that to someone I hate.

Also, if it's a love one, I'd put, "Honey Bunches Of Oats." Sweet, eh?

My friend and I were being idiots and trying to make them fit into our convo.

He was going to a friends party in a few days(Its tonight) and he asked me to go

and I was like "what as?" but I was being stupid, of course

Then he got one of the lollys that said Hot Date and put it between his teeth.

And then I got one that said I Do and did the same.

So we were just making fun of them really

Mine would say 'Yeah. Whatever.' or 'Ha...haha' or 'I hate you.'

Or just 'Crazy.'

My friend and I were being idiots and trying to make them fit into our convo. He was going to a friends party in a few days(Its tonight) and he asked me to go

and I was like "what as?" but I was being stupid, of course

Then he got one of the lollys that said Hot Date and put it between his teeth.

And then I got one that said I Do and did the same.

So we were just making fun of them really
That was fun, but the party got busted. It sucked :D

hymn..I could have some fun with this ^.^

though you might not understand.

And the color it should be on.

Free Hugs!

I will eat your heart


Your heart is of gold but my duck tape is silver <highlight that one.

Maybe if it would fit...

Somebody told me that you had a boyfriend that looked like a girlfriend.

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