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Well-known member
Mar 15, 2009
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So, has anyone ever had their heartbroken?

I've only had my heartbroken once, recently, actually, and I can say it's one of the worst feelings in the world.

Share your stories about heartbreak, how you deal with it, how you get over that person who broke your heart & anything else related :)

never had heartbreak before, but a few of my friends have.

unless you count my uncle's death along in this too, then yes i have,

i just stayed alone for a bit

Yes I have. Sorry thats all I would like to say.

I had it. Months of an almost beyond repair heart.

Time fixes everything.

My great grandmother passed just a few days ago:[

i'm not relationship-compatible *issues* therefore i'm incapable of heartbreak..

Never been heartbroken, actually.

Nothing relationship-wise, and I haven't yet had anybody really close to me pass away/leave/etc.

I guess I should consider myself really lucky for the moment.

I have two ginger toms. Not at the same time. And they both disappeared. I spent months looking for them. :( :( :( :( :( I was so upset that I wanted to die. My heart is still raw. TOFFEE! GINGY! COME HOME! I BEG OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Along with Nazo bout the uncle. Also i liked a girl at camp... but she was taken... back to plan <A> i guess...

Heartbreak... Nothing to be suicidal about...

The reason i put that is because a lot of people are like that about heartbreak, they usually think their life is over

My first relationship, that I had extremely high expectations for. It really hurt, and I was pretty depressed after the breakup. After awhile, I started to talk to other people and I felt like they helped me "get over him" in a way. My advice for heartbreak is try to keep occupied by other people. Don't hold things in and sit by yourself. But in the end, time fixes everything

Yep. We weren't even dating but I was REALLY into him.....

My advice is to delete their number/email/whatever, and try not to think about them or how you could've changed the situation.

Maybe get out of the house, have a get together with some friends, or talk it out with a friend.

For me i'll be asking a girl.

i think i'll get turned down though, but then i'll ask to be friends.

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