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Dec 5, 2006
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I just heard of tamagotchi a few months ago. I didn't really know a lot about it until last month when i started researching about it and it sounds awsome. I am getting one for christmas and I am soo excited! So if anyone has any good names or tips for when i get one PLEASE let me know! I love making new frineds so don't hesitate!

Welcome GotchaTama?! Glad to see you're getting a tamagotchi for Christmas; I got four early christmas presents in the shape of tamagotchis! Don't forget to have a flick through the rules and the pinned (bold and at the top of each forum) topics for info and any help you may need at your stay here. If the rules and/or pinned topics don't satisfy your questiony needs, feel free to PM anyone who you think may have an answer to your question!

Welcome to TT, if you need a friend, PM me! Good luck with your tamagotchi!

Hi!Welcome to TT!Hope you have a great time!If you need a pal,PM me!

P.S.Also PM me for names for tamas or such.

Hey welcome to tama talk i hpoe u have a good time here and hope ure tama is great when u get it for christmas PM me if u want to be friendz im pretty new 2 so we could help eachother out

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