Height, Weight, Body Image.


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x.P O K E R F A C E

Well-known member
Feb 24, 2009
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The old topic was bumped.

It was basically about how you feel about your body image and how exactly healthy or not it is. And as Katie said, just general discussion.


This morning I checked the scale. 75.6 lbs. :/ I have a hard time eating, therefore, I have a hard time bringing that number up.

EDIT: ... Wrong account.. :l

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Personally, I am content with the way my body looks. Sure, everyone always thinks that a few pounds need to be shed, and everyone could always eat healthier, but it's always an extra bonus when people are absolutely comfortable in their own skin regardless. I'm a female in her early 20s, 5' 5" and 135 lbs, which is normal on the BMI scale, so I'm fine with that for now. I've made a goal to become more active, eat more healthy foods, and drop a few pounds. More water, less sugary stuff. I also have the bad habit of not eating breakfast in the morning, not because I want to avoid food, but I normally don't feel hungry at all in the morning. Eating more times a day, eating half of what you eat per meal, and chewing twice as long is the way to go. NO dieting. :)

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Well, I am 5"2 and I weigh about 120, but a lot is muscle. I've been running a lot lately, and doing crunches, so I'm actually very happy with my body.

I'm 5'4 and 100lbs. Honestly, I'm not really that happy. I used to be 95lbs : \

I'm 5'4 and 100lbs. Honestly, I'm not really that happy. I used to be 95lbs : \
I used to be 95 pounds too...when I was in the 6th grade, 12 years old, and 3 inches shorter. :D Just embrace it, it's inevitable! People gain weight as they age. As long as you keep within a normal range, eat right, exercise, it's all good! You're actually underweight for your height, so don't get too unhappy! :)

I used to be 95 pounds too...when I was in the 6th grade, 12 years old, and 3 inches shorter. :p Just embrace it, it's inevitable! People gain weight as they age. As long as you keep within a normal range, eat right, exercise, it's all good! You're actually underweight for your height, so don't get too unhappy! :)
It's just that I'm used to being really underweight, but this school year, I got a lot more involved in sports, so I did gain a little but of muscle, and I guess I'm just not used to being 'average' weight. But don't worry, I'm not unhappy to the point of dieting, or anything really extreme.

It's just that I'm used to being really underweight, but this school year, I got a lot more involved in sports, so I did gain a little but of muscle, and I guess I'm just not used to being 'average' weight. But don't worry, I'm not unhappy to the point of dieting, or anything really extreme.
I see. Well, that's good! Gaining pounds of muscle is definitely where it's at. That cool that you're involved in sports. I would love to be on the cross country team if I didn't loathe running so much. :)

I don't even own a scale, I'm guessing I'm anywhere between 100-115 pounds.. not sure. But I'm 5'5 and 14. I don't mind my body at all.. a lot of my pounds are from muscle, and I do a lot of sports, plus I'm pretty close to having abs and I'm not even trying xD

But I eat soo much, and I eat pretty unhealthy too. I'm scared that all the stuff I eat is gonna catch up with me one day and I'll become really overweight, lol :S

I'm almost 5'2 and weigh 110. I'm short, thin, but curvey. I just have wide hips and big boobs. I'm okay with my very feminine, hour glass shape, but I wish it would be easier to shop. It's a pain being a size 7 in pants and having thin, short legs because skinny jeans end up not being so skinny. I just wish I could go up 5'5 in height.

I don't even own a scale, I'm guessing I'm anywhere between 100-115 pounds.. not sure. But I'm 5'5 and 14. I don't mind my body at all.. a lot of my pounds are from muscle, and I do a lot of sports, plus I'm pretty close to having abs and I'm not even trying xDBut I eat soo much, and I eat pretty unhealthy too. I'm scared that all the stuff I eat is gonna catch up with me one day and I'll become really overweight, lol :S
Cherish your youth and high metabolism now because for most people (not speaking from experience...at least not yet, haha), it probably will catch up with you gradually. Great going with the sports, that balances things out. :)

Okay, I haven't posted about myself yet so here it goes :)

I'm 12, 5'2" and I weigh 98 pounds, so I have a BMI of 17.8

At the beginning of the year I weighed 120 pounds and I was an inch shorter. I started dieting about a month ago and I've managed to make myself really sick. I've stopped getting my period from losing too much weight.

I eat under 400 calories a day and cycle most of it off, so I take in alot less than necessary. People think it's an eating disorder but I'm still not skinny enough to be classified as anorexic.

It's complicated.

Age 16, Turning 17 in a couple months [in sept]

Height= 5''10 and a half.

Weight = Around 140-ish.

I don't know my BMI but I shall check later. The only thing I don't really like, is my stomach, I like how the rest of my body is [well, except for the lack of boobs and booty, but whatever.]But My Stomach is like...blah. When I stand infront of the mirror and look at myself from the side, it makes me look pregnant, which is why in pics, or around people, I suck my stomach in.

Oh wait, I also hate my feet. My running shoes are a size 12 in adult Males. *facepalm*

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I’m fourteen years old, 5’5’’ and weigh between...Probably between a hundred and fifteen and a hundred and twenty pounds, so I think my BMI’s probably around the 19-20 range. I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m morbidly obese, but I could probably lose a few pounds.

Age: 14.

Height: 5'6.

Weight: 112 pounds.

BMI: 18.1

I don't really have much of opinion, I don't mind how I am now.

I don't do much sport, and I'm really weak so I don't have much muscle.

I eat 'enough' food, but less than average, especially in the summer, for some reason.

I'm not particularly self conscious about my body image at all :)

My old topic was brought back :D

I'm 15, turning 16 soon. I'm 5'2 and about 108lbs. I think that puts my BMI somewhere around 19. I wear a size 1 in pants but I have hips and I'm a B, almost a C cup so I'm a bit curvy. I'm completely content with how my body is.

Age: 13

Weight: 135 :/

Height: 5'3

"Based on the height and weight entered, the BMI is 24.1 , placing the BMI-for-age at the 89th percentile for girls aged 13 years 4 months. This teen is overweight."

Great. Isn't it fun to be fat.

Age: Thirteen.

Height: 5'7 / 170cm.

Weight: 110lbs.

I'm happy with my body.

Most of my friends weigh so much less than me, but considering the fact I'm kind of overly tall, it doesn't bother me.

I used to be considered majorly underweight a year or two ago, as I was tall and still getting taller, but I was barely eating anything.

Now I've started to be a lot more active, I eat waaay more, and I'm taking better care of myself.

My current BMI is 17.2.

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