Height.. (:


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For a while i was growing like crazy, but now i'm not. xP I don't wanna stop growing yet! I wanna be tall!!

I'm short for my age, which is a shame. I dunno my exact height though.

. I'm an 11 year old boy (gonna be 12 on the 29th of march) Happy birthday! I'm short for my age.
Happy birthday! I'm short for my age.

I just went to the doctor yesterday & I'm 5 feet & 1 1/4 inches :D I'm over the legal midget height! xD

If you are under 5 feet you are considered a midget... legally. xD


^ Yaay, same height as me! xD

I thought I grew, but I didn't. I'm fourteen, going on fifteen, and I might be done growing. xP My mom said that she stopped growing at my age, I believe.

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5'8 / 172cm, and 12 years old.

I consider that tall.
DAYUMMM!!! I've seen pictures of you and you don't seem that tall :D

I'm 12 years old, and I'm 5 foot 3 inches :rolleyes: I thought I was a bit tall but not that much really, and I also thought that this girl in my class who is 5'6 was tall, and I'm trying to imagine you 2 inches taller... :eek: If this is offending you I'm sowwy... ;)

4'10 1/2 lol im going to be in the 9th grade :rolleyes: I guess you would say....im short!!!!lol

DAYUMMM!!! I've seen pictures of you and you don't seem that tall :D
I'm 12 years old, and I'm 5 foot 3 inches :rolleyes: I thought I was a bit tall but not that much really, and I also thought that this girl in my class who is 5'6 was tall, and I'm trying to imagine you 2 inches taller... :eek: If this is offending you I'm sowwy... ;)
Nah, not offending, :)

I've grown used to my height.

It's weird when I'm with my friends, they're all normal-height and I'm just BOOM.

I guess pictures can't really define someone's height either.


about 5"6, I'm 13, gonna be 14 in july.

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^ Yaay, same height as me! xD
I thought I grew, but I didn't. I'm fourteen, going on fifteen, and I might be done growing. xP My mom said that she stopped growing at my age, I believe.
I'm around that height too, and I'm afraid I might have also stopped growing. ;-; I want to be a little taller before I'm done growing! For a while I was growing like crazy and then it just stopped.

Nah, not offending, :)I've grown used to my height.

It's weird when I'm with my friends, they're all normal-height and I'm just BOOM.

I guess pictures can't really define someone's height either.
Hahaha, yeah I guess not ;)

I'd say I'm around 5'6-5'7 and still growing... I hope I stop soon. x___x;

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