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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
please help me!!!! i need to know how to get pencil points,sparkle and flower points!!!

Well when you get to choose your teacher then depending on which one you pick you will recieve his or her skill point when you get the present. So i suggest you choose the teacher that gives the skill point you have least of. The teachers are MR.turtle he gives Pencil or intelligent points. Ms.Flower gives social or flower points. Then Mr.Canvas gives star or Art points.

You also get skill points from the games you play. Umm i think junp rope and mimic randomly give skill points to all the skills. If you eat a melon all your skill points will go up by one!

Hope i helped,


As tama_girl020 said, the game Jumping Rope and Mimic gives you points randomly. These two games give you five points. The Shape game gives you six points in pencil/intellengence. The Dance game gives you six points in sparkle/art. The Flag game gives you six points in flower/kindness. Note that you will only get the full point when you win the game.

You can also raise the skill points by feeding your tama certain foods that you bought from the shop. You can look at the food chart in the forum, 'Tamagochi Tips and Tricks'.

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Yeah - play lots of games. Also, connect your tamagotchi to https://tamatown.com a lot. Take it to preschool, elementary school, and its job a lot.

Here are some jobs you will get for certain skill points:

to work in the hospital you will need at least 40 intellectual skill points and 80 points total.

to work in the tamagotchi bank you need to earn more than 80 inellectual skill points.

to work in the flower shop you need more than 80 skill points in the beauty category.

to work at the tamagotchi restraunt you will need more than 80 points in the social category.

to work at the tamagotchi preschool (my current tamagotchi works here) you need to have 120 social points and 140 points total.

to work in the tamagotchi cake shop you will need to have 100 artistic points and 120 points total.

to work in the tamagotchi laboratory you need 100 intellectual points and 200 points total.

to work in the tamagotchi school you need at least 100 intellectual points and 120 points total.

I hope I helped!!!!

- Tama :furawatchi: ice

Hmm.. I don't think connecting your tama to tamatown.com can earn skill points? I just know that you can earn gotchi points there.

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