hellllllp! i need information on a whaletchi!


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UFOtchi is a teenager tamagotchi.

A regular character; not the best

- :D There's no "special info" for tamagotchis like there are for Pok`emon. There's just info for all. Example:

fhgjfd: Smart, kind, caring.

teenager tamagotchis:

Young Mimitchi, *UFotchi, Ichigotchi, young mametchi,etc.

Indavitual tamagotchi info = no such thing B)

whaletchi likes: popcorn

dislikes: bannanas

not much more info i can give...

oh and tamagotchi girl3 i like that site. i get my info from beonthenet/v2care.. have you heard of that one?

Accodring to Rivenn's Tamadex, Ufotchi can evolve into: Mametchi, Furawatchi, pyonchitchi, kuchipatchi, Kiwitchi, Ginjirotchi, Hanatchi, 22(aka the frog one), kusatchi, and even though it's not displayed, whaletchi.

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