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Active member
Sep 16, 2004
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Although I registered last year, I posted for the first time today. I'm very glad to have found a message board that deals with one of my secret loves, Tamagotchi. I always enjoy posting at forums, and this one looks great.

I would probably be considered old by many of the members here. I was in fifth grade when the first Tamagotchi/virtual pet craze hit, and I am now 18, having just graduated from high school. I know, I know, I'm too old for toys, but... I don't really care! I sometimes think that I'll never grow up, but I'm enjoying life instead of trying to mold myself to society's expectations. That means that I'll continue to play Tamagotchis, Neopets and computer games for as long as I want to!

I have a ton of the old virtual pets, I never could bring myself to throw them away. I have an old blue Tamagotchi, but I haven't played it in years. I was excited last year when I learned that new Tamagotchis were being released, so of course I had to buy one. Somehow, I never played it very much though, I suppose I was too occupied with school. But I just got a new battery for it and I plan to play it this summer, hopefully letting it have baby Tamagotchis. :D I also intend to buy a version 2 as soon as I find one at Wal-Mart, so I can actually use the IR feature. Somehow, none of my friends have bought Tamagotchis... so I guess I'll have to get two myself!

Thanks to the owner and everyone who has created a place for all of us Tamagotchi lovers to meet and share our ideas, tips, and love for tamagotchis! BTW, I love the smilies, they're adorable. B)

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