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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2014
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Hello everybody! I'm TheYatagarasu (any Ace Attorney fans out there?), but you can call me Saria, or even Yat. I've posted a few things here but thought an introduction would be nice.

I'm 20 years old and I live in Ontario. This might make me one of the older people here, but correct me if I'm wrong! I've been into Tamagotchis ever since my folks gave me a P1 when I was 5, to shut me up on a road trip :D I started collecting rarer, Japan-exclusive versions a few years ago. Oh, and I'm a big Mametchi fan. :newmametchi:

I like a lot of things that some might consider childish, like comics, plushies, video games (think Harvest Moon and Pokemon)....not to mention anything pastel-coloured and sparkly :p But hey, it keeps you young, right?

Oh, and if anyone else out there plays classical piano -- you rock.

Looking forward to chatting with fellow Tama-fans!


Yes, yes, and yes!

Ace Attorney, Pokemon, and Harvest Moon are three of my favorite game series!

When I saw your user name, AA was the first thing to pop into my head, then I saw your thread and hurried over here to ask, but obviously you answered my question. :p

A lot of us here, from what I understand, are in our 20's (I'm 22, going on 23), so no need to feel old.

Saria, you are cool beans, and I'm glad you decided to join us! c:

Thanks, Kitt!

Wasn't AAI awesome? I still have yet to buy Dual Destinies, but I don't know if I'm prepared for the voice acting :p Oh, also, do you play Animal Crossing? I got New Leaf a few months ago, and I'm still having way too much fun making my own clothing designs :D

Now, that you mention it, it makes that most of us here are in our 20's. After all, we were small children when the first ones came out and I guess it's one of those things from our childhood that we still hang on to. Besides, we have money to afford the more expensive ones now that we're older XD

It was! I bought Dual Destinies a little while ago, and I'm still in the early parts... but the voice acting is epic! ;3; <3 I wouldn't say it's my favorite installment of the series, though... the story feels.. a little stretched, even by AA standards.

and I do have ACNL! I haven't really gotten into making my own clothes, because I'm super lazy XD, but I do love downloading them ^^;;


Whoops, forgot the last part- nastolgia/wishing I could have owned them when I was young is what made me get into Tamas in the first place... so yes.. this hobby is an addictive trap for some of us older hobbyists! Only made worse by the fact that we have our own money to spend. :p

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I'm actually EXTREMELY wary of the story, but I don't think an Ace Attorney game could ever be, well, bad. I don't understand how in heck Phoenix got his badge back (I never played Apollo Justice all the way through so ignore me if this is common knowledge), and Apollo in an eyepatch and traction raises some questions. Not to mention the whole convict-turned prosecutor nonsense. I think they "borrowed" that from Trauma Team, what with the convict who gets his medical license back for the duration of the game (more nonsense).

I've made animal sweaters and hats in AC:NL, Pokemon-themed designs, ones with eye-popping candy colours, even Tamagotchi-character ones.....and I'm more than happy to give them out to everyone and sundry ^__^

And I know all about collecting being harmful to the wallet, believe you me :p I just blew lots of money last night on an English iD L XD But I try to justify it by telling myself it was partly paid for with birthday money, and I've been working soooooo hard at university this year XD

Haha welcome abord! :D You're far from being in the oldest people here... Tamagotchi collecting is an expensive hobby! *Kitt Knows that x)* I promise you'll have tons of fun with us! <3

Thank you Itsumo-nana! I already really like this forum ^_^ I actually checked out r/tamagotchi on Reddit before heading here, but I like the atmosphere here a lot more. Because, well, Reddit is Reddit. No other way to describe it :p Apologies to any Redditors XD

I'm actually EXTREMELY wary of the story, but I don't think an Ace Attorney game could ever be, well, bad. I don't understand how in heck Phoenix got his badge back (I never played Apollo Justice all the way through so ignore me if this is common knowledge), and Apollo in an eyepatch and traction raises some questions. Not to mention the whole convict-turned prosecutor nonsense. I think they "borrowed" that from Trauma Team, what with the convict who gets his medical license back for the duration of the game (more nonsense).

I've made animal sweaters and hats in AC:NL, Pokemon-themed designs, ones with eye-popping candy colours, even Tamagotchi-character ones.....and I'm more than happy to give them out to everyone and sundry ^__^

And I know all about collecting being harmful to the wallet, believe you me :p I just blew lots of money last night on an English iD L XD But I try to justify it by telling myself it was partly paid for with birthday money, and I've been working soooooo hard at university this year XD
Yeah, there's a few farfetched things that make you sigh a bit, but it is an AA game; it still has all the camp and charm you expect. c:

I will have to download and sport one of your outfits, then! Do you post them to Tumblr?

Nice! I don't have an English ID L, but they are a sweet addition to a collection! Nothing like a little self assurance that your splurging is all okay. XD I just bought a Devilgotchi from another TTer.. and.. I don't think I have any justification for the price at all. XD I just loved that particular shell, and haven't see a way to buy it any cheaper than that.

Haha welcome abord! :D You're far from being in the oldest people here... Tamagotchi collecting is an expensive hobby! *Kitt Knows that x)* I promise you'll have tons of fun with us! <3
Bahaha, I doooo I dooo. XD I'm so bad, Itsumo. ;3;

I think my favourite "far fetched" thing in the AA series was the cardboard badge incident. I was thinking to myself, "How thick can the courtroom staff get?!" XD

I.....do not have a tumblr, actually. I should get one. And I'd be happy to share my designs :)

A Devilgotchi? WOW, those are hard to find at any sort of reasonable price! But I must admit that the character designs are cute, and the shells are very nice :) You must be really happy with that new addition to your collection!

.....Welp, I have to haul my rear to school now and write a chemistry midterm. Boo. This was a lovely chat though :3

Hello! and welcome to TamaTalk the site of Tamagotchi Fans and sometimes Pokemon Fans! glad you like Mametchi too I like him to but I REALLY LOVE Candy PakuPaku too! (Tamagotchi character in my profile image) now then enjoy the website have fun while you are on! BYE!~

You sound exactly like me hahah

My mom gave me a tama to shut me up too

I'm 18 and proud to love my tamagotchi's ❤️

Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy your visits here.

We've an active "Stuff We Play" forum: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/forum/86-stuff-we-play/ - the place for all discussions about the various games we know and love - worth checking out if you want to chat about AA.

Pokemon is so popular with TamaTalkers we even have our own sub forum dedicated to it :)

Otherwise just take a while to click your way around the various areas of the site - I hope you like what you find :)

Our Users Guide to TamaTalk (https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/forum/81-a-users-guide-to-tamatalk/ ) is also a good place to have a quick look over some of the useful "how to" topics we created for new members and might also answer a few questions ;)


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Hi tamastar133, Lexilou, and TamaMum! *waves hello*

TamaMum, I'll definitely have to check out "Stuff We Play," then....maybe I'll actually find people there who also like some of the more obscure stuff that I'm fond of :D

Thanks for the greetings, everybody ^__^ This site is pretty darn awesome ^_^
