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Feb 5, 2015
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Hello everyone

I'm Yaravana! A 20 something who's just found her love for tamagotchi again.

It's been a while since I dabbled in tamagotchi.
Our country, unfortunately tends to be behind quite a bit when it comes to tama, and even seeing them in stores at all can be a sporadic thing.
My friend and I did have an absolute blast running a pair of V3 a few years back, (Thank goodness our college program was full of geeks! Noone batted an eyelash at them.) but eventually with no indication we'd be seeing any new version around soon, we kind of gave up on them for a while.

However, just a day ago I had to chance to visit a second hand game store, and found to my utter surprise that they had a Mothra tama on display.
I've wanted one of those for ages, basically since I first heard of them. So I've spent a good amount of time today cooing at my new cute tiny grub and finding that, yup, the tamagotchi bug never truly left.

So here I am. Hoping to maybe share some tamagotchi adventures, and certainly to see those of others!
Maybe see if there's a new version of tama my friend and me could pick up and run together again, and maybe, hopefully, figure out a few things about my Mothra-tama.

Very glad to meet all of you. :)

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Nice to meet you here. I'm just getting back into Tamagotchis also. I got the V6 and bought a V6 Music Star for my friend also as a friendship charm instead of the broken heart halves. I grew up with a generic one, Octogotchi, so this is my first name brand virtual pet.

Sweet! Welcome here, I look forward to getting to know you. :D

Yay! Me too! Just bought my Tamagotchi 4U! I'm still trying to figure it all out... My last tamagotchi was from 2005.

Nice to meet you here. I'm just getting back into Tamagotchis also. I got the V6 and bought a V6 Music Star for my friend also as a friendship charm instead of the broken heart halves. I grew up with a generic one, Octogotchi, so this is my first name brand virtual pet.
Sounds like a great friendship present. :)

My first pet when i was younger was a terrible generic fake tama wich could barely do anything. It took me years to realize actual ones are so much more fun!

Sweet! Welcome here, I look forward to getting to know you. :D
Thank you!

Yay! Me too! Just bought my Tamagotchi 4U! I'm still trying to figure it all out... My last tamagotchi was from 2005.
I'm actually surprised that the basics of caring for Mothra were so easy to figure out, despite her being Japanese. (Though I've got quite a few more specific questions left XD)

Then again, she's an ancestor tama and therefore quite simple in set up. Probably a good way for me to get back into the flow. :)

Good luck with your 4U, the newer Japanese tamagotchi do sound like a lot of fun.

Probably a good way

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