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Aug 21, 2004
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Virginia Beach, Va
I have a Tamagotchi connection, it's purple with circles on it. Mine's a female named Kitty, and she's 3 years old... I think she's an itchigotchi. She looks like a ladybug thing... She should be older, but I have to pause it when I go to band camp.

I'm 15 tommorow by the way. I feel a bit old to be playing with it...but it's so cute.

welcome to tamatalk leopardgirl314!!!

and don't feel to bad about being 15 and caring for a tama... i'm gonna be 21 on halloween and still love caring for mine^-^

Hehe, I don't feel so bad now. My tama just evolved into the adult stage, but I cant tell what it is. It looks like an alien with a football head...hehe.

15 and feeling bad? I should feel terrible then, I'm going to be 20 soon! I have 3 tamagotchi's now... two connections, and a connexion, and I also bought one for my bf (a connection). I mean, really, how many do I need- I know I'm getting carried away, but I love my babies! It's going to be hilarious next month- when I have to take care of them between classes and work (I could pause the connections, but not the connexion). :huh: Sorry for rambling on- welcome to the forum!!!

Also- that alien with the football head sounds like a "Masktchi" (spelling?) to me. :( Check out the tamagotchi planet section of www.mimitchi.com for a description of him/her.

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Hello... Welcome... And happy birthday!...er Birthday Eve (!?) :(

Don't worry about it, Tama's are aimed from 8 year olds to people in there 20's!

Hey welcome to the boards!

If you ever need help, PM the Admin, or us Guides, and you can always post.

15 if anything is young u have 20 year olds playing (no offense to u guyz)

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