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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2010
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Hello fellow Webazonians, or webbites as some people call it, [SIZE=21pt]I...[/SIZE]...have no idea what to say! :mellow:

Weeeeeeeeeell anywhoo, my first tamagotchi was a kuchipatchi!

Buuuut, nobody really cares, am I right?

Well, even if I'm not right, at least I'm left!

I don't know what to say now...

Might as well mention what tamagotchis I'm currently raising...

Two V6's, a girl> :) named Onyx, and a boy> :p named Auren.

They are in :wub: with eachother

with the girl I'm going for a> :mimitchi:

and with the boy I'm going for a> :lol:

Thank you and the reason I like kuchipatchi is...

#1 He's sooo cute and adorable.

#2 He's my first tamagotchi!

helloooo! I am one of this sites many pikachu fans! yay pikachu!! *removed - site rules* I also think kuchipatchi shouldnt be an average care tama. Everybody loves him! Anyway, welcome to TT!!!

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