Hello, i need help!


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you go to the family at the book icon chose parent and it should give you a age and some other stuff then the password.By the way write the password down because after a few tmess you look at it it wont let you look at the parent any more and when you look at it, it goes to the homescreen really quick!!!BEWARE!

:chohimetchi: Um....How do you get the password to go to your parents house? I'm not asking what is is, just how to get it. Thanks! :huh:
To get the password for the "Parents' House" over at TamaTown, you need to first type in a password your Tamagotchi toy provides you. :huh:

To do the first step is pretty simple- just go to your "Friends' Booklet", (the last icon you can access), and go to the "Family" section of the Tamagotchi toy. You will see two more sections open up, to access the password choose: "Parent" and not "History". Now if you use the "A" button, you will see you can scroll through the characters' list, but you can only see your three most recent Tamagotchi Parents and Grandparents. To receive the password press the "B"buton on your first character you first saw when you first entered the "Parents'" section. You will see some of the status the Tamagotchi character has stored. Scroll through by using the "B" button, until you see something like: "Password for PC" titled. this is the password you will need to use to access the "Parents' House" at TamaTown. :)

You will receive a password from you Parent while you are visiting it. Just simply punch it in on your Tamagotchi toy, and you will receive a gift! ^_^

-Good luck.


You can only view your parents when your tam is in Gneration 2 :chohimetchi: That is after your tamagotchi had a baby. To view which generation your in, go to the first icon ^_^

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