Hello Tamagotchi Fans!


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New member
Sep 2, 2006
Reaction score
Hi Everyone! I'm UraMi2, and I'm new here.

I promise to follow all of Tamatalk's Rules and will be as helpful as I can be!

I'm looking forward to meeting a lot of new friends who love Tamagotchis just as much as me. :wacko:


Hello there! :blink: Welcome to Tamatalk. You will have lots of fun here and will meet a lot of people all around the world! I hope to see you around alot! :blink: :) PM me if need any help settling in, I will be more then happy being you friend. :blink: :lol:


Hello and welcome to TamaTalk, UraMe2!


There are lots of rules and regulations here. Please take time to read them carefully so that you can have a happy time here.


Make sure to find out a lot about Tamagotchis; and help other's too. Be kind and helpful and don't spam. Spam messeges are simply:







Be sure to make lot's of friends; and if you ever need someone to talk to; I (and many other people too) am always here.


We have here on TamaTalk people called Guides. They have the ability to lock posts and edit them. This is for our safety and happiness only, so do not complain. I know it can seem annoying if someone locks your post, or edits it; but rest assured it's done for a good reason.

Here is a list of TamaTalk vocabulary that you might want to learn (if you haven't already done so).


1. TT - TamaTalk

2. Tama - Tamagotchi

3. Guide - Moderators

4. Lock - Shut down


Thank you for reading and enjoy TamaTalk to the fullest!!


This is The Tamagotchi Addict, reporting for TamaTalk. :blink:

Welcome to TamaTalk, UraMi2! :blink:

It seems you don't need help w/ your Signature and Avatar, but be sure to look at the rules!


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