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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2010
Reaction score
Hello, I'm SmokeAndMirrors :D I'm about a month from my 16th birthday, and have been interested in tamagotchi since I got my very first version 1 when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I accumulated 9 tamagotchi until I was about 13 or 14 years old, when a friends comment ("bit old to be playing with DUMB toys, arent you?") disheartened me enough to stop. Now I've awakened 8 of my 9 (my version 1's buttons didnt work, sadly) I'm back in the tamagotchi-world! Having been absent for about 3 or 4 years, I don't know all the latest versions of tamagotchi, so please be patient when I ask stupid questions!! :furawatchi:

Collection wise, I own...

Version 1 x2 (only one is in working condition)

Version 2 x3

Version 3 x2

Version 4 x 2

and I'm looking to add a V5 to my collection :wacko:

I'm a bit mad, and love having as many tamagotchi active as possible! :ph34r:

Welcome to TamaTalk! I'm so glad you could join us and am happy that you're back in the land of Tamagotchis, despite what others say. :D You've got a great collection! To start off, please check out the User Guide to the site. It might answer some general questions right off the bat for you. Don't worry at all about asking questions. Just browse around and if you feel compelled to post about something that hasn't been asked recently, go for it! I hope you enjoy your time here. See you around the forums! :)

Thanks, I'll make sure to check out the rules.

Btw, are you OldSchoolTama from Tamazone? If so, I'm LostAndDelirious from there!

Welcome to TamaTalk ! ^_^

I know you like history ( sorry... I had a look at your profile >D ) and I was really surprised to find out that you were interested in all the same things I was !

I also love to learn about Jack the Ripper, the Titanic, WWII, etc. History is so fascinating. 8D

I think you'll enjoy the forums, so... I hope you enjoy your time here ! =]

Welcome to the forums! I'm also quite new here, but it's good to know there are plenty of people out there who like tamagotchis!

+' timestamp='1292304002' post='3045707']Welcome to TamaTalk ! ^_^

I know you like history ( sorry... I had a look at your profile >D ) and I was really surprised to find out that you were interested in all the same things I was !

I also love to learn about Jack the Ripper, the Titanic, WWII, etc. History is so fascinating. 8D

I think you'll enjoy the forums, so... I hope you enjoy your time here ! =]

Oh really, what a coinky dink xD history and psychology are probably my favourite things next to tamagotchi and reading (I'm a proper nerd :D ) haa and thanks, I probably will, though I'm still getting to grips with the whole layout of TamaTalk :blink: it's a bit more updated than most forums!
