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Dec 10, 2008
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idk seriously idk where i am most of the time
theres this guy at scool that i like and 1 day my frend told him that i like him and he smiled at me and i blushed.the next day i was playing basketball and every time the ball went on his court he brought it 2 me and smiled and then at lunch he was flirting with me and i just stood there like an idiot staring at him . i dont hav experience with guys and hes in 8th grade and im in 7th and i dont think he even knows my name ! and i dont no wat 2 talk about with him and hes usually with his guy frends so it makes it even harder 2 start a conversation so how do i get him 2 notice me and wat should i talk about with him

Hm. Boy trouble. I've never been in your situation, but I'll help as best as I can.

Well, first of all, decide for yourself if you want to tell him you like him. If so, than please do find a time that he's alone and not with his friends. My friend has had some experiences with her crushes friends and they were not good...I wont go into detail about it. Also, you should get to know him well before you ask him (or he asks you) to go out. Become his friend, ask him questions, get to know him. If he seems like a trustworthy, decent guy, than by all means go for it. If not, than maybe look for someone else. Seventh grade is still early for can always wait 'till you're in high school!

If i didn't help, than look some articles up on WikiHow. That place is amazing.


Well it seems he's already noticed you!

I know it's hard not to when you're with your crush, but try to speak and be confident. Not full-of-yourself confident, but try saying things that might make him laugh etc :D

Just ignore his guy friends unless they talk to you directly or say something you have to comment about. It might help :) With my old crush, I really just talked to him loads and tried to be as confident as I could, added with a hint of flirting. He was in the year above me too :p

Best Wishes,

barky xo

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