Help,I am a target for jerks


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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2005
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:D Popular.What first comes to mind?The girls who boss everyone around and lead the herd,or the girls who are kind,and sometimes are teased?

Popular is big at my school :eek: .Ever since I could remember,I have been trying so hard to be popular.I clung to the populars and they hated me so much,I was deperesed.Once I began to be myself,it happened again.A few weeks ago,I became friends with Maggie and Kirste,2 girls in which were popular.Then IT happened.I lied all of the time,saying I did things I didn't and shopped at stores I didn't shop at.Eventually Maggie and Kirste got mad at me.I appologized,they forgave me,THE FIRST TIME.Then I couldn't stop lying.Then Maggie confronted me,today.She said I said something horrible,I started crying(She IMed me on AIM).She and Kirste blocked me,and now I will be forced to see them TOMMOROW.I am still scared,but I am gonna ask them for forgivness,it may have been Kathy,Kriste and Maggie's best friend.

When I met Maggie and Kirste,I met KATHY.Kathy got mad once I began hanging out with Maggie and Kirste,It was jealousy.Kathy IMed me on AIM,warning to make my life miserable if I didn't STOP hanging out with Maggie and Kirste,which i DIDN'T.It got worse,Kathy began telling lies about me,saying that I was a big fake.

NOW Maggie and Kirste blocked me and I can't contact them.But now I realized It was a trick,a trick made by Katie,Maggie's stupid cousin.Katie is always trying to get me to hate maggie,and when I say I don't,she sets me up.

Well thats my story.Now I need advice on how to prevent this from happening.

Don't lie again.

There are always consequences for lieying.

You need to apologize to your friends and tell them what really has happened.

That's a toughie... But I agree with tamaw/pants. Maybe tell them that you admit that what you did was wrong, and they might forgive you. If they don't, and they believe that what Kathy says about you is true, and they ignore you, maybe they weren't very good friends. You shouldn't worry about popularity. If you try to be popular, it might backfire. Just go with the flow. If you become popular, great! That's what I did... I was myself, and eventually people started liking me more and more. I didn't boss people around, either. Everyone considered me "popular." When people are "popular" and mean, they aren't truly "popular." I don't really like "popularity scales..." They always end up hurting peoples' feelings :D Just try not to let them get to you. If you do, it'll hurt even more than it needs to. I hope everything gets resolved!


Don't worry. All you have to do is like tamaw/pants said, tell them you were lying the whole time and tell them the WHOLE truth of what you lied about only making it REAL. Try to ignore the other popular kids. Tell them this if they get jealous: "Then why aren't you with her now, huh?"

More News!I asked Maggie about it.She said that it WAS her cousin.She also said I said something really mean(It is to bad to post) :furawatchi: to Kathy,I didn't even do anything.....

Now Maggie won't talk to me...neither will Katie



As I said before, just tell them everything.

Don't go pointing fingers because that makes it worse.

Even if you do tell the truth, they might not let you back into their 'group'.

If that happens, well you can't really do anything but just to let go.

Give them a little time. They may think about it more and decide to let you back in.

If they continue to ignore you and don't forgive you, I think it's time to find some new friends.

Meh, this is pretty confusing... But I'm sticking with tamaw/pants. Just tell them that you were in the wrong, and that you won't do it again. (Hopefully you won't :furawatchi: )


Meh, this is pretty confusing... But I'm sticking with tamaw/pants. Just tell them that you were in the wrong, and that you won't do it again. (Hopefully you won't :furawatchi: )
Maggie said its too late,I appologized a million times and said i was sorry.She still is mad.

Maggie said its too late,I appologized a million times and said i was sorry.She still is mad.
Well, maybe Maggie isn't the best friend if she isn't willing to "forgive and forget..." I'm just sayin' :furawatchi:


Well, maybe Maggie isn't the best friend if she isn't willing to "forgive and forget..." I'm just sayin' :furawatchi:
Ok,now she said that I am always clingy to her and her friends(kinda true) and that I won't get friends doing that,I really want her to like me again,I told her the truth.


Ok,now she said that I am always clingy to her and her friends(kinda true) and that I won't get friends doing that,I really want her to like me again,I told her the truth.
You've done all you can do.

You apologized and ment it.

If she doesn't accept you back and [like TK710 said] 'forgive and forget', she isn't a very good friend and should probably be dropped anyways. :huh:

At first that girl probably said you where fake because you kept lieing. If they don't want to be your friends anymore [you've already apologised] there isn't alot you can do - make new friends. And maybe this time try not to be friends with people because they're popular just find people who are nice and like you for you.

Being popular isn't everything, and do try your best not to keep lieing as people don't like people who lie all the time to make themselves look better.

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