Help, I think my tama doesn't age!


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Active member
Dec 19, 2005
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Hi, I activated my v2 connexion yesterday at 4:05 pm, now he has turned into a Marutchi, so today he woke up at 8am, and I checked his age and he was still 0yrs old!

that's normal! all v2s do that.....

they age once aa two days! (e.g. two days after activated, your tama is likely to be 1yr old)


Oh, thanks! :huh: ) Phew I was REALLY worried there. Do V1 tamas do that? So you mean if me tama was year 20 it would actually would have been with me for 40 days?

No, when ever your tama was born, it ages. (Example: My tama was born at 3:12. At that time the next day, it will get one year older.) Easy as that!

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sometimes they age when they wake up, the next day.

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Sorry guys, I'm dumb when it comes to being paranoid and maths at the same time *slaps forehead*

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