Help me from my fear!


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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2006
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San Francisco Bay Area
I have this fear that I'm really afraid of. It's dying I can't stop thinking about it.

What if time flys by and I'm dead.

Help please! This is my main fear!!

I used to be like that too, like seriously I wouldn't eat fatty foods at all or go on a road and stuff because I was scared to die. (And I was like, 7 or 8 too.)

But anyways we all go sometime and don't be afraid. Seriously I'm scared too about what happens afterwards, but you have to live life to the fullest and just forget about dying. 99% of the time your going to live until like, 90 something, so you don't have to worry.

Again, we all have to go sometime, but yours probably isn't for a LONG time so no worries.


You are seven. The average life expectancy for people born in 2000 is seventy-seven. So you still have seventy years to live, provided you take care of yourself (eat healthy, don't smoke and don't do drugs). You don't need to be scared. Unless you're talking about that because you read some chain letter that said you will die in 3 days or something, and if that's the case, those things are all made up. People just make them for the same reason someone would make a virus, to be annoying. Anything it said is totally bogus. You shouldn't be worried. You've got your whole life ahead of you, just don't take drugs, smoke or eat bad food.

And, by the way, you are not going to be hit by a car or have a nuclear bomb dropped on you =P

You've got nothing to be afraid of.

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well if u keep thinking ur gonna die then u might as well enjoy the time u THINK u have left.

Plus, u have heaps of time to live, so live it well. biaz

I'm the same way. I am really afraid of passing away. I'm only 21, but I worry a lot about getting killed in a car accident, having a heart attack, passing out and never waking up...those are my biggest worries. I hate it, it is really frustrating and upsetting to think about frequently.

I think that someday, I will stop worrying about it and I will be able to live my life without all these fears again. I think you will overcome your fears, too, and living life each day to the fullest and appreciating what you do have is great advice. :(

I have this fear that I'm really afraid of. It's dying I can't stop thinking about it.What if time flys by and I'm dead.

Help please! This is my main fear!!
Well, to me that is a really complex fear... not to make you feel worse so you might not want to read the next paragragh but the other one is ok.

To tell you the truth you could die at anytime you could seconds before you start reading this. :angry:

You could die tommarow, in 3 minutes, in 3 seconds, you COULD die anytime any place,

I mean you could die choking on a peice of popcorn or eating anything possibly The point is ...

There's nothing we can do to stop death. :angry: There's nothing you or anyone can do about it...

It's just death but there might be a good afterlie in it, there might be a bad... and as the budists beilieve, you come back to life in a new form, a new family, a new life (well that is once you go through the death cave that lasts 42 days long).

I used to be worried about dying like that, those days were one of the worst of my life. Don't worry about it, life is longer then you think right now. Enjoy life and everything in it, rather then when it will end.


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I always think at the end of the day we're all going to die so when ever that may be I shouldn't be to afriad. To be honest rather than dying I'm more afriad of things that may inflict pain on me which things like car accidents come under.

You shouldn't be afraid of dying. It's not a nice thought but it is a fact of life. Everything comes to an end.

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